Went on my first Rally of the Year

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Mr Jensee
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Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by Mr Jensee »


I had a wonderful day Saturday. I rode to Lake Charles, about 70 miles from home, to a rally and ride for a local charity. About 30 bikers showed up. The ride to Lake Charles was a little scary because about 30 mile out from Lafayette we hit a fog bank with visibility down to an eighth of a mile.
I wasn't alone on the trip. I rode with a little lady who was recently widowed of a great guy I worked with who died in a motorcycle crash last year. She has a gorgeous red Harley Trike. Signed in at 8:30 and kickstands were up at 9am. We rode another 60 mile loop up to Kinder, LA and back to Lake Charles using mostly back roads.
The 16 year old Voyager ran like something new. I had no problems keeping up with ever other bike there and that included several brand new $30,000 Harleys. The funny part was my bike could have been electric because nobody could hear me above the loud pipes of the V Twins. I was the only Voyager there and got lots of stares and questions from other attendees.
At the rally I hooked up with a long lost cousin I haven't seen in years. He had a nice 2009 Goldwing, a very nice bike. Also there was my nephew Jeremy who had invited me, and who rides with a Christian group.
We had a blast there after the ride was a chili cook off. Some of the best chili I have ever tasted. When we signed in they gave us tickets for a door prizes. I won a motorcycle vest, something I have never in 64 years, ever had before. I will post pictures of it later. When I got home about 5:30 I checked my mileage. With all the fast riding I did the Voyager got 48 mpg. Fantastic!
By the way, I am finally completely healed from my car accident on February 1st. I expected that I would be sore on Sunday but I wasn't at all. I guess I am finally acclimated to Dialysis. I want to go on more and more rides! :woohoo:
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Re: Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by ekap1200 »

Glad to hear all went well. Its good to FINALLY put a face to your name.... :laughing:
Glad you won something also
Gene Kap
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Re: Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by cushman eagle »

Way to go,Mr.Jensee :woohoo: I am really glad you were up to,and enjoyed a long ride. :perfect10: As Gene said,it is good to see a face with a name we have talked to.The weather here is not motorcycle friendly at this time. :cry2: :cold: Enjoy your riding as you pity us in the North. :rolling:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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Mr Jensee
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Re: Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by Mr Jensee »

I'm not normally a smiler. So I don't like having my picture taken very often. I think the last time I was good looking I was 4. However I am getting old and on Dialysis so what the hell. :rolling:
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Re: Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by HMB Don »

Nice to see you riding. Now if we could get you to come up for the AVA Rally in Nashville.

Can I use your post in the Voyagers Voice?
Don Medina
NorCal Voyagers Club

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Mr Jensee
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Re: Went on my first Rally of the Year

Post by Mr Jensee »

Sure you can use any post I make. As for the AVA rally, unless you can get me on a dialysis machine while there I seriously doubt I can make any of them, unfortunately. :-(
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