Re: Route to the Nashville IN

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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by Highway Rider »

This is where you can post the traveled planned route that you are taking to the rally.
If at all possible post the dates of your travel that is entirely up to you.
Jim & Karol
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Re: Route to the Rally

Post by joelcolletti »

I'm thinking of 6 East and 160 West home. Each way about 2400 miles.

Wondering how many days/nights I should plan on, so it's not just a race to the destination. :hmm: ... 39.1749729

Why take 80 East and 40W I wonder? Same 2400 miles - 35 hours straight :windy:

Looks like both roads have a lot of history and visual appeal. ... titled.jpg

Hoping to pick up some rider from our club, otherwise may need to wait till the 30th Anniversary instead. :Cball

Do we still get new Dunlaps for "Longest '1,' and '2' Ups?" Cause I'll need new rear when this one concluded :thanks:
1994 Voyager XII- NorCal Voyagers, Montara, CA
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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by cranky »

50 across and 160 back look good, I did 5000 miles down to Fredrecksburg, Tx to sniff
the Blue Bonnets a couple years ago... not a bad run.... and that was on my Nomad....

...Jan, cold, rain, almost anything looks good now, even the "plain states" !! GBG
I don't see any rides on my VROC ride cal or AVA other than this.... NEVER say never..... GBG
'03 Voyager - VROC pics of Gina
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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by Highway Rider »

Well plans have been made for the trip to Nashville. Leaving Friday afternoon and stopping over night in Bloomington Il. Then finishing the trip to Nashville on Saturday afternoon. So Friday and Saturday will be leisurely paced rides. Friday I will be riding for 330 miles and then on Saturday 230 miles. For me that is not that much seat time
Jim & Karol
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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by Lance McCaw »

We leaving Aledo IL Saturday morning. Take our time and maybe stay around Casey IL. Arrive in Nashville Sunday afternoon. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by vxiirider »

We are leaving Charlotte , Michigan Sunday morning for our road trip of approximately 290 miles and will arrive in Nashville Sunday Afternoon. Our route will take us down Route 66 in Michigan to Hwy 9 in Indiana then right on Hwy 46 to Nashville. After a days rest, from this long journey, we should be ready to join in on the festivities. Looking forward to seeing all our old friends and making some new ones. Everyone have a safe trip , John and Mary Jane
John Ramsay
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Re: Route to the Nashville IN

Post by Neal »

Hey John, That's a good ride. Means you'll be able to say you traveled from Nashville to Nashville. :thmup:
Dealer for all Air Rider products, and Nolan helmets and headsets.
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