Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

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Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

Post by Van Voyager »

Does anyone know where to find a parts fiche for the optional bits on a Voyager? Specifically, I'm looking for CB handlebar switch control parts - the two long screws that attach the CB switches to the Radio switches on the left switch cluster. I believe the two longer screws replace two shorter screws that hold the Radio controls to the switch cluster. I can't find them on the base parts fiche.
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Re: Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

Post by triton28 »

Go to a Japanese bike dealer and get the same diameter screw/s only longer to suit.
Then hacksaw the screw/s to the length you need plus one or two threads. Use a small file to cleanup the cut from the saw, and to provide a slight taper to the first one or two threads to engage the threaded receptacle properly.
Buy extras just in case you don't cut the first one/s squarely or some other reason to need spares.
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Re: Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

Post by Van Voyager »

Hey Triton. Thanks for your note. I have a set of screw cutters (not sure that's what they're called) just for that purpose and have cut small screws to fit before. I was hoping to get some OEM screws though. As a 'generic' part, my guess is that they're still avaible.
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Re: Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

Post by Mr Jensee »

triton28 wrote:Go to a Japanese bike dealer and get the same diameter screw/s only longer to suit.
Then hacksaw the screw/s to the length you need plus one or two threads. Use a small file to cleanup the cut from the saw, and to provide a slight taper to the first one or two threads to engage the threaded receptacle properly.
Buy extras just in case you don't cut the first one/s squarely or some other reason to need spares.
Just to add, when you get the right screws pick up a couple of matching nuts to screw onto the screws when you decide to cut them. back the nut to the head and they will help to straighten out any buggered threads that occur during cutting when you back them out.
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Re: Optional Bits - Parts Fiche

Post by Van Voyager »

Thanks for the tip Mr. J. The cutters I have actually thread the bolt in first so any thread distortion from cutting is smoothed out when the bolt is removed.

Still prefer to find original screws though.
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