Test ride, 270 miles went just perfect

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Test ride, 270 miles went just perfect

Post by jorgeno »


Went out for a ride yesterday, my first long distance on the bike. I’m really enjoying this Voyager. But some modifications are needed, thinking to cut the windscreen a bit. I like getting wind in my face and have the possibility to see over the screen. Right now it creates a lot of turbulence, with the result of wind in my neck and plenty off dust. Wonder if there is a way to work it out? How do you solve/deal with it?
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Re: Test ride, 270 miles went just perfect

Post by Van Voyager »

jorgeno wrote:https://imgur.com/gallery/K0gSZ9v

Went out for a ride yesterday, my first long distance on the bike. I’m really enjoying this Voyager. But some modifications are needed, thinking to cut the windscreen a bit. I like getting wind in my face and have the possibility to see over the screen. Right now it creates a lot of turbulence, with the result of wind in my neck and plenty off dust. Wonder if there is a way to work it out? How do you solve/deal with it?
There is some adjustment built into the design of the windscreen (loosen the mirrors and the screws holding the gold bezel on the front of the fairing). I was able to lower mine about 1/2" (can't remember exactly how much) but it made a difference - I can now see over it if I have to - I couldn't see over in the higher position without standing on the pegs). I would like it slightly lower but can probably live with the way it is now. At some point in the future, I may consider trimming another 1/2" off the top - we'll see about that.
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