I gently applied heat and some lubricant to the lock assembly and with a large screwdriver inserted in the 'box' opening on the front of the lock (with a bit of rubber wrapped around the tip to prevent damage to the 'box'), I was able to crack the tumbler a bit right and left. It then occurred to me that perhaps my key did work after all and the lock was just seized (i.e. I disassembled for nothing - oh the horror!). Fortunately, my key didn't fit

but I was able to use my key to rock the tumbler a bit more (after adding some lubricant) and by twisting and pulling gently was able to extract the tumbler from the lock. Cleaned and polished everything include the tumbler body, the lock body, the wafers and the springs. I was able to re-arrange the wafers to get a clean fit to my key except for one wafer which I filed down for a precise fit. Put everything back together with some graphite lubricant and peened the SS bezel cover back over the front of the lock (getting the spring loaded key door installed was a bit of a challenge) and reinstalled in the plastic cover. I now have a functioning locking cassette cover.