Pipes suggestions

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Pipes suggestions

Post by juzubumi »

Hey guys, this is my very first post here, about a month ago I traded my pristine 2004 nomad (17k miles) for a 2012 Voyager, ABS (8k miles), I am absolutely in love with it, Just had Ivan's ECU flash done this past week and it was the best $350.- I ever spent ( except for the plane ticket for my mother in law to go back home....). My question as a newbie is, I am starting to look for pipes (slip-ons) the choices are Cobra Tri-ovals and 4" with billet tips, Vance and Hines twin slash rounds and Freedom sharktail and racing slip-ons. Anybody here running any of these? Is there something else I should be looking at?

Thank you all.
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by cranky »

.. I take it you are doing this for a better sound?

IIRC, I've seen posts the reflash doesn't require other changes...
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by HMB Don »

I installed the Cobra Tri-Oval pipes on my Voyager 1700. The sound is just a bit louder then stock but much nicer sound. I've had them on for 60,000 miles, with no problems with the finish. Because our Voyagers run so lean I also added the Cobra F2000 fuel module. I also have a KN air filter.
Don Medina
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by cranky »

.. think I've heard the Cobra's before and they DO sound nice!! JM2C
'03 Voyager - http://tinyurl.com/mqtgpwp VROC pics of Gina
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by juzubumi »

Looking at pipes for sound enhancement and a little bit of ornamental values as well, leaning towards the tri-ovals that Don suggested. However, rode today and it seems that Ivan's flash did something to make the pipes sound a bit deeper, am I imagining?
BTW Don, I used to go horseback riding at the beach in Half Moon Bay, I am a San Francisco guy. Just imagining riding down Highway 1, from SF to Monterey...gorgeous country
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by HMB Don »

I just took my Voyager to the Dealership, the reason was my cooling fan quit working. I have extended warranty so it's free to repair. While standing in the service area they rode my Voyager into the shop, and the Cobra Trip-Ovals sounded so good. They didn't have that cheap sound like a lot of metric twins or even some HD's that go for just noise. But was just a good healthy rumble, kind of a deep rumble. When riding in groups you don't really notice the rumble at highway speeds. But when you ask that V-Twin to go and it comes onto the meat of the power it does bark.
This is the left muffler notice, chrome finish on the cross over pipe
This is the left muffler notice, chrome finish on the cross over pipe
20151002_130029.jpg (2.62 MiB) Viewed 765 times
This is the Cobra Fuel Module, you can adjust this just like a  carb, for low, med and high speed riding
This is the Cobra Fuel Module, you can adjust this just like a carb, for low, med and high speed riding
20160428_175131 Cobra FI 2000.jpg (5.32 MiB) Viewed 765 times
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by juzubumi »

Thanks Don, do you have the Tri-oval with 2 port exhaust or the tri-flo with a single port? I ask because they sound completely different from one another.
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by HMB Don »

It's the two port. Are you going to the AVA rally? I'll be there, you can hear and see my mods.
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Re: Pipes suggestions

Post by juzubumi »

Probably not, doubt that I can make the rally this year.
I met a guy with a vaquero yesterday that sounded incredible, he had a set of Freedom performance Liberty slip ons, the bike sounded very deep, louder than stock but pleasing. He says that his bike has a bit more power and that it runs a bit cooler as well after changing exhaust ( It has been ridiculously hot here in north Florida for about 2 weeks straight, between 95 and 100 everyday). I will take a serious look at these pipes, they looked great as well. Anybody running these pipes on their bike here?
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