Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by ekap1200 »

CraigZ wrote:Hey all. I'm a fairly new member who joined back in April. I just joined the Voyager family having just bought '01 XII a little over a month ago with just a tad over 96K on the clock. It runs strong and doesn't need much except a few more miles on the OD.

BTW, Lucasind and I are old buddies having both graduated from American Motorcycle Institute way back in the late 70's. He's a brother from another mother.

Anyhow I'm looking forward to getting in some good riding this winter in sunny FLA.
Welcome Craig Z to the AVA. Any brother from another mother is a brother to me also. Looking forward to some informative and interesting posts from you. My wife ( Marie ) always says a " A busy man is a happy man" , well Tony is surely a happy man as there seems to always be a bike on the lift.
The forum is a bit slow right now but should pic up with the northern riding season just about here. Give this years rally some thought, we would like to meet you. My year 2000 has 82,000 on it and runs as it did when I bought it with just 2000 miles on it. Always good to have another M/C mechanic on board the forum.
Gene Kap.
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know.

Post by cushman eagle »

Welcome CraigZ to the AVA family. :clap: Sorry I missed your first introduction, :cry2: , you already know there is a tremendous amount of readily available information on this forum. :clap: And,as Gene has already said,if the family has not experienced a particular issue with the XVII,that issue does not exist. :gig:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Thud300 »

Posted my dues for membership last Tuesday, I think :-? who can I contact to paint my username green? :rolling:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Thud300 »

That was fast :thanks:
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by squirrel »

bronson and board members

thanks for the unexpected snail mail today.
the veterans patch was a nice touch.
be safe
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Nails »

How can one find out their Member #? Every time I renew, I have to ask. (I'm asking now ;)
I always look for a Renew button under my profile. Could you put one there, and just go straight to the credit card info?
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

The placement of a re-new button is not that simple of a process. There is now way to distinguish with in the profile at this present time who is a paying member and who is a non paying member. Any and all registered users would see the button not just the paying members
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Nails »

Then how about posting the Member # in our profile? (I'm still asking for my Member #, apparently required to renew.)
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Nails, as much as I agree I have to say that I can never remember my Member # either and have to search for an old AVA card to find it. This year I didn't have it and couldn't find one so I left it blank, but the new cards came with the number supplied. So you don't really NEED it to renew, but it helps with processing the renewal.
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by Highway Rider »

Although it asks for your number it is not required I will look at what your number is and PM it to you you can always place you membership number in you signature
Jim & Karol
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Re: Joining the AVA or Renewing? . . What You Need to Know. . .

Post by JohnT »

I want to thank forum administration for very quickly fixing my registration SNAFU. And I do mean my snafu. I messed up and it was quickly and painlessly ( for me) fixed.
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