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This is for general posts and questions concerning only the Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700 V-Twin.

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Novato Kevin
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New here. Hello

Post by Novato Kevin »


Novato Kevin here. I just joined your forum to learn more about the 1700 bikes and to contribute something useful if I can.

I like to ride wherever and whenever I can. I commute in a work van, so I don't necessarily ride daily. All day, or overnight, or multi day touring are what I love. I just went on my longest ride I've ever done. I rode from home in the north of the SF Bay Area to Seattle. It was eight days of being on the bike all day every day. I zig zagged my way north and south to find the back roads- 2900 miles. It was non stop fun!

I've been riding for 45 years, since I was 16. There have been a couple years here and there when I was bike-less. Those were dark times. Now I'm on my 17th different bike, a 2006 Goldwing ABS in Arctic White. All the bikes I've owned have been Hondas and Yamahas. It's hard to pick, but my favorite one was a '99 Honda Shadow ACE 1100 Tourer. Long name- great bike.

I can't really put my finger on why I'm thinking of replacing the 'Wing. It does most everything really well and it's fast and comfortable. But I have some gripes too. It is really top heavy. It's got a million plastic pieces that are 14 years old and brittle. The transmission sounds like a car crash with every first to second gear shift. Finally it's hard to work on. I do all my own maintenance and repair. Almost any repair requires removal of a lot of the aforementioned brittle plastic pieces. Maddening sometimes.

So I'm thinking of a Voyager or Vaquero 1700. Comfort, power, ABS, cruise control and knockout looks.

So here I am. Cheers.
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Re: New here. Hello

Post by cranky »

... welcome!! You live in a great area for riding, the north county is hills and back roads.
Rode a bunch of 'um!!!!
'03 Voyager - VROC pics of Gina
Cranky - Bill Snodgrass AVA # 6544. VROC # 16804
Cranked >128K miles, Mtn bike-no motor!!!
San Jose, KalEfornYa
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Re: New here. Hello

Post by Steverides5 »

Welcome, I own a 2017 Voyager 1700 and love it. It can't be beat for its price. My bike is 100% stock with just a few add ons. Grasshopper back rest is an essential for me, a GPS , Kuryakyn luggage rack. Have 22K on it now and just got back from 150 miles down to Rock Hall MD today. Check out the Facebook site also. Good luck.
Having fun whenever possible is never overrated!
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Re: New here. Hello

Post by HMB Don »


Nice that you're here, understand about the goldwing plastic. My wife has a 2007 goldwing and as the years go by, but they sure run good.

About the Voyager 1700, a great motorcycle and can be made fantastic. I bought my Voyager 1700 at Tracymotorsports in Tracy, Ca the best part is they've sold a few 1700s to NorCal Voyagers club members and the service takes good care of customers.

I now have 180,000 miles of fun on my 1700 Voyager still doesn't use oil, this past fall I took it in for warranty. Yep I still have extended warranty coverage. Warranty replaced the carrier bearing, belt, one rear shock, radio and turn light switch assembly all for free.
Don Medina
NorCal Voyagers Club

2012 Voyager 1700
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