Turn signal switch acting funky.

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Turn signal switch acting funky.

Post by Veritas2020 »

Hey guys and gals, new user here. I bought a 2010 vulcan voyager back in 2018 and got a chance to ride it one time before getting injured at work. Needless to say its taken me some time to heal and being a knee injury i just garaged the bike for a long time. Just about to get her road worthy again and noticed when i go to test the blinkers it will activate if i turn on the left and cancel, or if i turn on the left and move it to the right the right will turn on. However if i just try to activate the right by itself the lights wont come on at all unless i move the turn signals to the left first. Any ideas why this might be happening? Faulty or dirty switch perhaps? Im not the most mechanical person when it comes to working on my own stuff but i will always give it a try if I can.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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Current bike(s): 2012 Kawasaki Voyager 1700
Location: Cannon Falls, Mn.
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Re: Turn signal switch acting funky.

Post by kawman12 »

I had my turn signals stop working on a recent trip. 4-way flashers worked but neither turn signal. sprayed liberally some electric cleaner in the housing and they work fine now. more than likely just dirty/sticky.
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