Well, here we are at the end of another riding season here in northern Ohio, I have a total of combined riding miles ( of all 4 of my Voyagers) just over 6000. Just all local riding, no long trips again this year. My usual riding is 50-100 miles every evening that is not raining, after work. I thought I would share a issue that this latest 91' Voyager presented......after completing my work , the engine would fire right up , idle perfect, rev up nicely while up on the air lift ......but once out on the road , the engine would not pull smooth and strong between 1-3000 RPM's

, When I first got the bike , I pulled the carbs , and went thru them ,finding the usual stuff, pulled the spark plugs and found the #1 plug burning sooty black, I installed 4 new plugs and caps, trimmed 1/4 inch off each plug wire to get into some fresh wire, reassembled and test road the bike only to find the same thing, and #1 plug sooty black again . I missed something when I went thru the carbs, and thinking back to my conversation with the previous owner ,him telling me that he could not get the bike running right since 2006 when he, or some shop ""got the bike ready" for a long trip ! As it turned out , who ever had the carbs apart way back then , had the #1 carb " needle jet" that is lightly pressed into the carb body , above the brass emulsion tube, FALL OUT and must have hit the floor and gone

, not seeing this , they put the carbs back on the bike , and this condition was created , and remained this way till now. I called Carl and he said he had one to send me, along with the Kawasaki "clean air system" vacuum valve , that was causing a vacuum leak (never seen this before either)......In the mean time , waiting for the carb part from Carl , I made a needle jet out of a old Kaw G-5 oil induction "banjo bolt " and reassembled for testing .....the problem went away !

, so now I took the home made part out ,and installed the parts from Carl , and while I had her back up on the airlift , I replaced the clutch, and now the 91' Voyager is a trusted bike to go anywhere, and I have enjoyed riding it over 300 miles now