Steering bearing servicing with pics

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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by ewilberg »

Ok so I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask but it sure looks like it... So I have the 40mph front wheel wobble. So do I need to take it apart and grease it or just snug that steering head nut?
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by Seawolf »

ewilberg wrote:Ok so I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask but it sure looks like it... So I have the 40mph front wheel wobble. So do I need to take it apart and grease it or just snug that steering head nut?
Hey Eric
I replaced my steering head bearings with alls balls these are the tapered bearing like in the older Nomads. Wobble went away. Some folks indicate that the wobble starts with the MCII tires however, I think the roller bearing was a bad idea as there is no support for the bearing against a taper. Just my opinion.
PS like the pics on the site you do not have to take the fairing off...just be slow and careful
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by Ldinkinsjr »

Thanks for the pics and information, I had a shimmy in the front end and couldn't take my hand off the wheel, took the bearings out cleaned them up, regreased and re installed, tightened down now I can ride without any hands if I so choose.
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by robbyk »

I know this is an old thread but this is so much help. I've had a shimmy / vibration on my 2011 Voyager that I have not been able to locate the root cause.

I guess I will be doing All Ball tapered bearings soon. Glad to see that I might get away without removing the fairing.

Thank you.
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by Zossamer »

The Pictures are gone!


:help: :cry2:
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by Bobup »


Appreciate any recommendations ... breaking down to adjust the front steering stem bearing and having a heck of a time finding a compatible socket for the Steering Stem Head Nut. "Periodic Maintenance 2-39 in manual. Removing the nut will allow removal of the Steering Stem Head.

I believe it is a 38MM nut but most sockets are too thick to get around the nut.

Is there such a thing as a thin walled 38 mm socket??

Have a 2016 Vulcan Voyager... 50 K miles.

Thanks in advance...

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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by HMB Don »

The socket for my 2012 Voyager is 36mm Craftsman. I'm attaching three pictures of the tools I use to adjust the preload on the steering stem. But while your that far into the steering grease the bearings.

After you remove the upper triple clamp you'll see a castle nut (this is the nut you adjust to take the free play out of the steering head.) Lift the front of the motorcycle enough to expose the lower steering head bearing to apply grease. Then lower the motorcycle back down and reinstall the upper bearing and cap. Start torquing the bearings, slowly. Work the handlebars bach and forth many, many times. Then torque again. Keep doing this until you take all of the free play out of the bearings.
36 mm socket
36 mm socket
The Kawasaki wrench, you have to remove to many things to use
The Kawasaki wrench, you have to remove to many things to use
The Gene Kap socket:  this is a must about $50.00
The Gene Kap socket: this is a must about $50.00
Don Medina
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by ekap1200 »

Hello from NJ. Don, I have not made any up for quite a while. I have only two for the 1700's and just found one 1200 for a member that asked a few weeks ago. You would not recognize the shop. It has been all changed for more room to work around the lift. I am almost done with it, it has taken a few months to move everything execpt the lathe and mill to get things organized. I have not been online here for a while. Issues with my parents and been busy with Great Grandchildren. I still can't get used to being a greatgrandfather....
I will start on a new batch of 1200 sockets soon.
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Re: Steering bearing servicing with pics

Post by cushman eagle »

ekap1200 wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:41 am Hello from NJ. Don, I have not made any up for quite a while. I have only two for the 1700's and just found one 1200 for a member that asked a few weeks ago. You would not recognize the shop. It has been all changed for more room to work around the lift. I am almost done with it, it has taken a few months to move everything execpt the lathe and mill to get things organized. I have not been online here for a while. Issues with my parents and been busy with Great Grandchildren. I still can't get used to being a greatgrandfather....
I will start on a new batch of 1200 sockets soon.
Hi,Gene,it is good to see you on-line again :woohoo:
At this point,I do not know of any great grandkids coming soon. :hmm:
I hope we can find a way to meet up this year :thmup:
'99 Voyager VXII,'58 Cushman Eagle
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