Wont start.injectors plugged?

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Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

First i nearly didnt know where lines to fuel filter connected and then it to injectors.got that all connected.fuel lines from fuel tap were brittle and fragile.$ 30 for 3 feet of line and new hose clamps and then everything is reconnected.turned petcock to reserve.i didnt reconnect the 2 electrical connections under the tank because i didnt expect the bike to run.it didnt.i figure those were for the fuel gauge.should they be connected for the bike to start? Anyhow the hose clamps and brittle lines are replaced.fuel tap on reserve.about 2 gallins in tank.turns over good.never sputtered or acted like it would start.sitting inside 4 years injectors are probably clogged.what do you guys think?
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by Me Again »

grumpy72 wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 5:34 pm First i nearly didnt know where lines to fuel filter connected and then it to injectors.got that all connected.fuel lines from fuel tap were brittle and fragile.$ 30 for 3 feet of line and new hose clamps and then everything is reconnected.turned petcock to reserve.i didnt reconnect the 2 electrical connections under the tank because i didnt expect the bike to run.it didnt.i figure those were for the fuel gauge.should they be connected for the bike to start? Anyhow the hose clamps and brittle lines are replaced.fuel tap on reserve.about 2 gallins in tank.turns over good.never sputtered or acted like it would start.sitting inside 4 years injectors are probably clogged.what do you guys think?
I had one that sat outside under a tarp for 10 years. After some routine maintenance it started instantly.
First thing to check is start circuit. When you turn the key on you should hear the pump run for 5 seconds and then shut off. If not, then you have other issues.
Next turn the fuel off, open throttle WFO and crank for at least 10 seconds. This should clear the cylinders if you all have already flooded it.
Next step is kind of a personal preference. Leave the fuel off and while holding the throttle WFO turn the key on and hit the start button for at least 10 seconds again. If it starts to sputter to life reach down and turn fuel back on while still cranking it. Keep cranking as long as it sputters, and it should run on its own after maybe 30ish seconds. If it should start bring the throttle down slow and hold it about 2000 rpm until it settles down.
Sorry this was so long and there are a million variations but that's what works for me.
Check the fuel filter . If your running on reserve you are pulling all the crap out of the tank.
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

Well i turn the key on.dont hear any fuel pump noise. The inline filter between the fuel tap and the hise that goes to throttle bodies has gas in it but i took the rubber line loose between OUT end of filter and throttle body.no gas came through with ignition on and hitting start button.to see if it was the filter i removed it.so just the hose from fuel tap hanging in the breeze.key on, hit start button, no gas came through. I think its either fuel pump relay or fuel pump.no glass fuses on right side are blown.i read fuel pump relay farthest left rt side of bike might be bad and other relays interchange.so i will try that. If then i get no pump noise i assume its fuel pump. Sound right?
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by Me Again »

More likely a bad connector
There are 2 relays controlling start up
Pump relay is on left side top left corner under the side cover
The other is in the main fusebox
Swap each with any other relay handy
Horn relay is easiest on the left side because you can hit the button and listen for a click
Swap the start relay and the headlight relay in the fuse box.
Tracking electrical gremlins can be a pita
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

Thank you so much
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

The 4 round things under ledft sidecover are the relays? 4 in a row covered with rubber? So unplug the wires from the one farthest left and put the wires into the one next to it.i.e. once wiress are unplugged another relay under the rubber just swap it out? 1500 goldwings have a similar setup.about 7 relays all interchangeable.
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

My horn doesnt work so its relay is no use i guess
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by Me Again »

grumpy72 wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 1:47 pm The 4 round things under ledft sidecover are the relays? 4 in a row covered with rubber? So unplug the wires from the one farthest left and put the wires into the one next to it.i.e. once wiress are unplugged another relay under the rubber just swap it out? 1500 goldwings have a similar setup.about 7 relays all interchangeable.
That's mostly right. There are actually about 9 or 10 identical relays . The pump relay is the one tucked up under the left side cover in front of the battery (high and to your left)
Just because the horn doesn't work doesn't mean the relays bad . hit the button and listen for a click.
Any of the relays will do though
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by Me Again »

voyager relay_LI.jpg
voyager relay_LI.jpg (853.86 KiB) Viewed 5424 times
fuel pump relay
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Re: Wont start.injectors plugged?

Post by grumpy72 »

Awesome thanks
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