When preventative maintenance goes wrong

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When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by Conrad »

So this was the end of a severely shortened ride last sunday :(
When i had the thing apart to change the carb o-rings, i thought, hey, might as well replace the fuel lines, filter, and pump, right? That way it's all new!!
Well, 906 miles later, luckily only about 40 miles from home, suddenly dead, no fuel. After about a 2hr wait for my son to ride back home to fetch the truck and trailer, got it home and confirmed the NEW pump had failed.
Last night put the old pump back in, and it's running again :)
Needless to say i do not recommend the all balls brand fuel pump, they should maybe stick to bearings. Dennis kirk did give me a refund with no hassle though!
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Re: When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by cushman eagle »

When I replaced my fuel pump about 4 years ago,I went OEM :hmm:
Yes,it was more expensive than [will fit],but it has gotten me 20,000 miles so far :thmup:
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Re: When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by SgtSlag »

A few years back, our likely-original fuel pump went out, 70 miles from our hotel, in Arkansas (we live in Minnesota). We found a tow truck service that hauled my wife and I, and our bike, back to our hotel. Then we loaded it up onto the trailer, and towed it home. We're trailer trash, and happy to be so. We only do trailer trips to our starting point, with clover-leaf tours from our base, usually less than 100 miles from our base is a far as we go anymore.

My mechanic replaced the dead pump with an OEM, and we've logged thousands of miles since. I prefer OEM, but I'll use aftermarket, as well. It depends upon what it is, and what is available.

Had the battery dying on us, around 100 miles from home, around 6-8 years ago. We have a battery "life" indicator (long out of production), showing it was nearly dead, and it was going down fast, for sure -- managed to get it into a town without shutting it off, as it never would have started it again. Limped it into a dealership right before closing . The mechanic installed a new battery for us, staying after closing to do it. We rode home with a new battery, and more "relief" than we could fit onto our bike -- left a streaming trail of it behind us, for the entire ride home. :rolling:

Glad to hear it all ended well enough. Being stranded far from home, is not good. :!! Cheers!

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Re: When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by Conrad »

Yep, the next one will be from kawasaki. Aggravating part is there was nothing wrong with the old one, just figured while i had it apart I'd replace it. Oh well the old one is back in and working fine, Saturday looks like good weather so we'll try again!
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Re: When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by mayhem8 »

While I don't always agree with this saying, there are some that will say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :roll:
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Re: When preventative maintenance goes wrong

Post by VoyKimmer »

Did you clean and dress up the points on the original pump ? That’s usually all that goes wrong with these pumps. I usually do that every 40,000 miles. I have 100,000 on my 2002 pump and it has never failed me. I have cleaned and dressed the points 3 times on that bike.
Have done it only once on my 96 with with 70,000 miles. Did it last at 40,000 .
Might do it again next year during my winter maintenance .
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