Front Brake Locking Up - 2018 Voyager

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Front Brake Locking Up - 2018 Voyager

Post by disco42 »

Replaced the brake fluid, bled the brakes and the last 6 times I was out, after 15-30 minutes of riding the front brake seizes up. Brake lever can't be depressed, rock hard. If I wait 30 minutes or so it will disengage enough I can go another 300 yards and it repeats. OR, I can loosen the front nut on the bleed nipple and about 2-3cc of fluid will squirt out - so under a lot of pressure.. Then it's fine for the rest of the ride.
Ideas? Thx.
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Re: Front Brake Locking Up - 2018 Voyager

Post by Van Voyager »

Classic (and common) symptom of a plugged equalizing port in the master cylinder. The equalizing port is the smaller of the two holes in the master cylinder - sometimes covered with a push-on splash deflector. Use a small guitar string to dislodge whatever is blocking the port (and don't poke too hard - you want to avoid scratching the piston bore opposite the hole).

With the port unclogged (and with the splash shield removed - if it has one) you should see fluid squirt up from that hole when you pull in the lever (don't go too hard on pulling or it'll spray brake fluid everywhere).
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