Announcement: 1986 ZN1300-A4 Voyager Owners Manual restoration

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Announcement: 1986 ZN1300-A4 Voyager Owners Manual restoration

Post by TheFalcro »

Hello my fellow Voyagers,

I have found the original owners manual in one of the saddlebags of the scooter. It is rough and it took me two hours to get the pages separated and it is now drying out. Surprisingly the book is about 97% + legible and useable. There is some rust staining from the staples that were in the binding and a few damaged typeface and photo areas but over all the information is basically intact. Once the pages are dried and I get them pressed flat I wil begin the process of scanning the pages into a sequential pdf file and restoring any missing text and retouching any damaged photos.

if you need a 1986 Kawasaki ZN1300-A4 owner's manual, reply to this thread with your email address and I will put you on the list that I am compiling of members in need. Then I will send you one in your email once I have finished the restoration. FYI this is a US version in English. I will not be making any translations to other languages. if you want to translate it you can do that lol. I am estimating about 6-8 weeks minimum for the process to get to the point of finished (maybe even longer). This is a pains taking and time consuming process. If you have ever tried to make a pdf file that will print out like a book with double sided sequential pages then you understand. This will not be perfect but it will be good, useable and complete information that you can reference or print out and have bound into a physical book again..

I know there is someone on this list that is making service manual pdf files available to members but I can not remeber who is compiling this information. If you read this please PM me I want to make this information available to you to post in that section of the website. I also have some other pdf files that I want to share with you that are for the Voyager ZN1300-A(X)

As you all know parts and accessories are sometimes difficult to come by for these models so I will help in any way I can to facillitate sharing information for free (ON THIS FORUM) about these wonderful scooters. Thank you all for the information that has been shared with me ti has been so very helpful as I have been getting this scooter back on the road. I hope to return the favor very soon.
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Re: Announcement: 1986 ZN1300-A4 Voyager Owners Manual restoration

Post by Dragonfly »

I'll take a copy...I have an 83, but it's close enough. Thank you
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Re: Announcement: 1986 ZN1300-A4 Voyager Owners Manual restoration

Post by ClintsMotorcycles »

I will take a copy. I have an 84 and 85 so yours should be close enough.

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Re: Announcement: 1986 ZN1300-A4 Voyager Owners Manual restoration

Post by Greg »

I will definitely take a copy with much thanks.
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