Adding led strip running lights

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Adding led strip running lights

Post by Ace1979 »

There are two ACC connections under the seat on the right side of the bike. First, are these ignitions controlled or are they "always on"? What I want to do is I have two amber color led strips that i will be using for extra running lights not blinkers. They have three wires, Black, Red, and yellow. Black is ground, Yellow is the amber. Red I will not be using for this hookup. Can I use these ACC connections for this purpose or what is the way to install these easily, so they come on and go off when the bike does? I don't mind tapping into let's say the license plate light (turn on and off with the bike) with a t-tap connector but I really don't want to splice the factory wires If i don't need to.

All that being said, how do you suggest me installing these amber strips for running lights? Step of the process would be helpful. I do want to learn how it works is why I ask for the steps. I appreciate all advice/help with this. GOD SPEED!!Image
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Re: Adding led strip running lights

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Yes, those accesory terminals are switched with the ignition. There is another pair behind the headlight, BTW. I have LED strips around my truck, red and amber for tail and turn signals. I have a set of white/yellow ones for the front as well, just haven't decided where exactly to put them. I also have a third brake light on the trunk. I like lights. I like bright gear. I like being seen. I don't like going SPLAT.

Cars tend to stay waaaaay behind me at stop lights. They must think I'm a cop with all those lights. I even have blue reflective license plate bolts (she came with them). I really ought to put a video up on here of what Gertrude looks like when I hit the brakes. It's pretty impressive with all those LED lights, including the rear fender light. Every time I hit the brakes the lights flash differently. The third brake light keeps flashing.

Live, laugh, love, ride, and don't go SPLAT.
Dennis Fariello
Philadelphia, PA
2000 Voyager XII "Gertrude" - deceased
1993 Vulcan 88 "Emily"
2008 Ford CVPI "Myrtle"
1971 Com-Pac 16

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