Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

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Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

Post by glvnthedream »

I know I am not the only one who has been at a stop light at O-Dark Thirty in the morning waiting for the dang light to go green. After 2-3 cycles and still no give, you slowly head on through.

This has been a problem at a certain intersection here in King George VA. One of my co-workers rides in at 4AM Monday - Thursday and has been gently running the light for some time now until he finally took action.

After contacting the sheriffs department and informing them of the issue (not just at this light either) they were understanding but stated it was a VDOT (Virginian Department of Transportation issue and that he should be careful going through the light.

Below is his original Email and the responses he received.
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 1:48 PM
Subject: Traffic Light Sensor

Good afternoon XXXXXX,

I’m sending you this e-mail about a traffic light sensor at the intersection of 301 and Rt 206. The traffic sensor at this intersection on the Wawa gas station side will not trip or sense my Harley-Davidson Ultra motorcycle at the intersection at 4 AM in the morning. On days when I drive my truck to work as soon as I pull up to the stop bar, I can see the 301 side of the traffic light go yellow as soon as I pull up to the stop bar. I have stopped in the left side of the lane, no effect in the center of the lane, no effect and on the right side of the lane and it never actives the light on my Harley. Currently I set at the stop bar until a motorist pulls up behind me then I move my Harley past the stop bar and the Vehicle behind me trips the sensor and then we can both go through the intersection. I have already report this to the King George County Police Department. I have also asked them what do I do it no comes to the light behind me, I asked, do I treat it like a 4 way stop and proceed through the intersection.

Thanks for time,
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 7:34 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: 301 & 206

Good evening
I am reaching out to see if you would be willing to meet me at the intersection at your earliest convenience so we can adjust the signal to detect you motorcycle. You can email with dates and times or call me at 5406566600.

Thanks you,
Architect Engineer I
Virginia Department of Transportation

Tomorrow morning at 04:00 AM the engineer is meeting him to adjust the magnetic sensor to better identify when a motorcycle is at the stop bar to trip the Light.
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Re: Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

Post by Nails »

I doubt if anyone here hasn't had to deal with this.
And I've seen many sensors pick up my 300lb d/s bike, which sits hella-further off the ground.
I doubt there are any actual standards for where to set the sensors ... other than "if we get a lot of complaints, I'll deal with it."
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Re: Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

Post by GrandpaDenny »

In Pennsylvania, it is legal for a motorcycle to go through a light that doesn't recognize the bike. Of course, that doesn't mean it's OK to just go bolting through at any time, and you do it at your own risk. I forget the fancy-pants name of the law, and the specification for how long you have to sit at the light before you can go through it. Here in Philly, it doesn't matter, people running red lights is extremely common, and the cops won't do anything about it, even if you do it right in front of them.
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Re: Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

Post by Conrad »

If i remember correctly, here in Wisconsin the rule is wait 45 seconds (i think) then if no cars are coming you can legally proceed through the light.
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Re: Sitting at a Redlight waiting for the change

Post by Nails »

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