anti seize on coolant bolt

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anti seize on coolant bolt

Post by 4redjf »

basic question, i'm changing the coolant since i dont know what the PO did before.
The current coolant looks pretty good coming out.
So, on the drain bolt with washer, by the front exhaust, is it necessary to use anything on the threads?
no torque is mentioned and since there is a washer.
also, i plan on using either prestone or peak extended life. No real crud or anything coming out of the current coolant, which looks like the PO did the change earlier.
The drain bolt wasnt difficult so that was a clue that it had been drained to me.
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Re: anti seize on coolant bolt

Post by Nails »

I didn't feel any pressing need for antiseize thread dope, not that this opinion means anything. Torque wrench recommended, though. (Yesterday I found a replacement engine case for another project bike I bought with those threads stripped.) I think antiseize dope is absolutely necessary for steel bolts in aluminum cases.

This off-subject reply is mostly to advocate for a coolant flush before putting fresh coolant back in. Like everything else on my XII, the coolant was in horrendous condition. (Some people have a talent for picking up problematic used bikes.) Might be a waste of time for you; but I was still getting astonishingly nasty crap out of my coolant system after two or three flushes -- using up a cheap gallon of Prestone radiator flush stuff.
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Re: anti seize on coolant bolt

Post by 4redjf »

Nails wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:25 pm I didn't feel any pressing need for antiseize thread dope, not that this opinion means anything. Torque wrench recommended, though. (Yesterday I found a replacement engine case for another project bike I bought with stripped threads there.)

This reply is mostly to advocate for a coolant flush before putting fresh coolant back in. Like everything else on my XII, the coolant was in horrendous condition. (Some people have a talent for picking up problematic used bikes.) Might be a waste of time for you; but I was still getting astonishingly nasty crap out of my coolant system after two or three flushes -- using up a cheap gallon of Prestone radiator flush stuff.
I put a little of thread sealant on near the washer and couple of threads. Just finished cleaning the overflow jug and reinstalling it. For now, till fall/winter i will go with refilling it.
Since i just got the bike i wanted to ride alittle and fix alittle for now.
Thanks for the input. heading to wallyworld or autozone, whichever has the green prestone extended life stuff. by the way there was more than a gallon that came out total. So i may need to get 2 gallons.
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