An astonishing whine

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An astonishing whine

Post by Nails » ... er-recover

Yeah, m/c touring isn't for everyone. But definitely not for this clown.

I struggle to see past the whining to what might actually be causing the slump in bike touring. Can anyone help, or is there really nothing here?

Did AWD cars supplant m/c touring? Are bikes just for day trips now?

> "an autonomous bike would be no fun at all"

That seems to give the game away: a m/c is by its nature anything but autonomous ... and therefore fun. Totally lost on this character.

> The best reason I can come up with is that it’s just, well, sexy. ... we’re united in our love of the gear and our sense of belonging to a kind of monastic clan of fellow-sufferers

Oh fershrissakes! Get a life, dude!
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Re: An astonishing whine

Post by Conrad »

Geez. :roll:
As far as touring goes, i dunno. As you said, it's not for everyone. And keeping riding fun means riding FOR fun, not just to check a box on a list. I rarely take my bike to work, mostly to avoid sucking the fun out of riding. Mostly i just ride on the weekends, doing 150-200 miles on a Saturday. A few weekend/3day trips. But we are planning a 6-8 day ride through Colorado next summer.
There does seem to be fewer young people riding now though, not sure why. My son (he's 24) rides the heck out of his bike though!
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