Air Wings ?

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Air Wings ?

Post by Van Voyager »

Anybody out there use Air Wings ( plastic panels that 'clip' on to the edge of the fairing to redirect air). My Voyager came with a set. I thought they would be great for redirecting air towards the driver but I find they catch too much wind and want to blow off (the bottom clamp blew off once and I lost the clamping hardware - Air Wings were kind enough to fix me up with new hardware). Are they supposed to be used as above or only to direct wind away from rider/passenger?
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Re: Air Wings ?

Post by Bill O »

Are they the dual wings? Or single? If dual the upper is for the driver and the lower to comfort the passenger. If single, the primary use is for the rider. Turn them out in the winter to keep you warmer and turn them more in during the summer to give you some air flow. For me the best benefit is in the cooler weather. I use my windshield vent during the hotter weather for my comfort and "neutral" the wings (bypass-straight). But, turn the lowers to aid passenger comfort. Just experiment. Bottom line, the Airwings work, and work great!

Bill O
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Re: Air Wings ?

Post by Van Voyager »

Thanks Bill. They're a 'single' set - probably from before they figured out they could sell more than one set. If I turn them out (to direct more air towards me), they catch a lot of wind and I'm worried they'll blow off. I'll need to do some more experimentation but there's not much holding the rubber trim piece (which the Air Wings clamp to) to the fairing.

I wish my windscreen had a vent as it gets dreadfully hot on a warm day. My next windshield will have one but there's lots of life left in this one so it'll be in service for a while yet.
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Re: Air Wings ?

Post by cranky »

wish my windscreen had a vent as it gets dreadfully hot on a warm day. My next windshield will have one but there's lots of life left in this one so it'll be in service for a while yet.

... install one? IIRC, I've seen ones that you could install.... little cutting.. etc..
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Re: Air Wings ?

Post by Van Voyager »

cranky wrote:... install one? IIRC, I've seen ones that you could install.... little cutting.. etc..
Hi Bill. Have you got a link to any of those?
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