Accesory Power Relay location

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Accesory Power Relay location

Post by Van Voyager »

I've wired up a USB socket to the rear accessory power leads but not getting any voltage love at the leads (with ignition switch 'Off', 'Acc' or 'On'). I believe the fuse is in the 'audio' fuse box and it checks out OK and has 12v. My suspicion is that the relay is goofy but I'm not sure where it is. I'm in the process of tracing the relay down using the input wire colours but was hoping somebody knows where it's located.
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Re: Accesory Power Relay location

Post by VoyKimmer »

Relay Is behind the headlight.
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Re: Accesory Power Relay location

Post by Van Voyager »

VoyKimmer wrote:Relay Is behind the headlight.
On a 1300? Don't think there are any relays behind the headlight??
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Re: Accesory Power Relay location

Post by VoyKimmer »

Oops sorry. Don't know on 1300.
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Re: Accesory Power Relay location

Post by Van Voyager »

After some searching, I found the relay. On my bike, it's the middle of the '3 pack' under the left side side-cover.

After some troubleshooting - the relay seem to be fine - I traced the problem to the power connection (white/blue wire) in the green 9-pin connector under the right side of the seat. The female pin was an 'open box' rather than the normal 'semi box' with the outside of the box curled under to make contact with the male pin. The female pin was not making contact with the mail pin. It appears it was this way from the factory as there was no indication the pin had ever been out of the connector before or any other obvious signs of damage. I assume the problem was never discovered as no-one tried to make use of the rear accessory connections. I manually bent the female pin into the shape it's supposed to be in and got the connection working again. At some point, I'll put a new female pin in there (as luck would have it - I've loaned out my crimper :-(. Happy to report my new 12v socket and USB charger connection are now working properly.
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Re: Accesory Power Relay location

Post by bigsixkawa »

On my 84 the AUX relay is ganged with two others under the left side cover. The horn is one of them and the AUX is the other. I forget what the third was...
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