Got a tech tip for Vulcan Voyager 1700's from your personal experiences, or one complete with pictures and instructions, here's where to post it. You can also ask about tips or procedures here.
I think its an H7 or H4, one is the headlight and the other is the fog light. I had to replace one and I was able to just run down to Advance Auto and they had one in stock.
An H4 is a headlight high and low beam. After looking at the photos in posting of the review on 1700 accessories, it looks like the fog lamps are accessible through the panel on the back of the upper faring.
You can just remove the speaker cover, speaker and the speaker bucket. That what I did to replace my dog light bulb, the whole job took about 30 minutes
I think its an H7 or H4, one is the headlight and the other is the fog light. I had to replace one and I was able to just run down to Advance Auto and they had one in stock.
So, what are fog lights made of??
Never meddle in the affairs of a dragon, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!