Cruising RPM's

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Cruising RPM's

Post by jjamison »

I was told by someone that cruising at RPM's less than about 2500 was hard on a V-twin engine (A Harley rider). I know that there are a lot of guys on here with tens of thousands of miles on your bikes. What are your opinions on this?
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Re: Cruising RPM's

Post by Steverides5 »

Rpm straight up isn’t too important. A stock 1700 makes its best torque and HP at right around 3000. What you don’t want to do is lug the engine too long. This causes overheating and generally not good for the motor. If the bike has not enough power to accelerate or is hard to keep speed at an incline then downshift. I’ve noticed on mine also that I think they engineered the engine to make most of its power at a faster RPM than a comparative Harley is to keep the water pump spinning for better cooling. Keep the engine in the rpm range that it runs comfortably in and you’ll be fine.
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Re: Cruising RPM's

Post by HMB Don »

I understand your dilemma, I too was told that and to only use 20-50 engine oil.

Almost home from a motorcycle trip. I'm pulling a Hannigan trailer. Most of my riding I like to do at 65 mph which has my rpm at 2,300. At 55 mph the rpm is 1,900, which is way below 2,500. I don't down shift often, I stuff into 6th gear and leave it there. There have been times in construction zones at 45 mph I'm in 6th gear, this is 1500 rpm range and it pulls clean back up to 65 mph.

Last week while I was waiting for rain to clear, I was talking to some others riders waiting for the same thing. One of the other riders was riding a hopped up Harley, he stated him had to keep his engine above 2,500 rpm. But why is a big question, what cam, his jetting or how is the mapping on the ecu?

My 1700 is made to be ridden at low rpm. You ever rev one up past 3,000 rpm and they just don't pull very hard. So the mapping is for low engine speeds.
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Re: Cruising RPM's

Post by hank43 »

Agree with Don, these Kaw engines are also used in farm tractors. Get the ECU upgrade, and you can pull a semi trailer with em! :rolling: :laughing:
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Re: Cruising RPM's

Post by jjamison »

Thank you all for the input. I had the Ivan flash done and looking at his HP and torque curves I have to agree with you all. It's not a Harley and I guess we don't need to worry about what's good for a Harley.
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Re: Cruising RPM's

Post by ridermike »

Cruisin on the highway I am usually around 3k when going easy
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