Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

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Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

Post by Van Voyager »

I was riding in the evening for the first time in a long while a few days ago and the headlight was just about non existent. I'm measuring about 8 volts at the headlamp connector (low beam) on my 89 ZN1300. Ground wire is good (less than 1 ohm to the ground side of battery). I have not measured voltage at all the connectors (or the H/L Switch) yet, but I'm wondering if it would be unusual for the reserve lighting module to go south? And, where is the module located - based on the connector in the wiring diagram it seems to be in the fairing somewhere?
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Re: Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

Post by Van Voyager »

Disassembled and cleaned the H/L Beam switch. Measuring almost 12v at the power side of the switch contacts (so I think the headlight module is good) but only picked up another volt at the headlight (after cleaning contacts - still down 3 volts). The wiring diagram shows only 2 connectors (not including the bulb connector) between the switch and the headlamp - one of them has to be funky (or there's a weak wire).
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Re: Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

Post by Me Again »

Probably would not be a bad idea to check the relay in the fuse box. It may be going south.
Swap it with any other relay and see what happens
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Re: Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

Post by Van Voyager »

Thanks for your note MA. Yes, swapping relays was the first thing I tried before getting the ohmmeter out. I traced at least part of the the problem down to a bad R/R connector (see pix) but I'm also seeing about 1/2 volt between the ground at the headlight and battery ground so it's probable I've got multiple issues going on. I can't find where the various ground wires in the harness are 'bused' together.

Finding the 4 pin connector shells locally is proving a bit of a challenge - need to wait until Monday when a local electronics store opens up to find out. In the meantime, I've ordered some from Vintage Connectors.

Curious that only 2 of the 3 legs appear to be overheating.
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Re: Reserve Lighting Module Location - ZN1300

Post by Me Again »

That would slow you down.
I have one of those also but a 6 pin from the igniter.
Got the bike running but lost the digital dash (lights work but no digits )
According to the trouble shooter mine goes back to the same 4 pin you show .
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