Center Stand question

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Center Stand question

Post by eccentricdan »

So, I see in the manual there is a dingle for putting the center stand down, and then another dingle you stand on when you pull the bike onto the center stand.
My center stand only has one dingle, actually, but I think it's the one I should be standing on.
My question is, what is the secret to getting it on there??
I'm a decently strong dude, 220 pounds, but for the life of me I can't get it.
I've gotten other bikes up on a center stand, but I'm thinking there's got to be some secret technique for this one.
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Re: Center Stand question

Post by VoyKimmer »

The first stage lever tube is probably missing and broken off. It’s so easy.
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Re: Center Stand question

Post by cranky »

... from what I've read, they either work or not, I just watched 3 strong young
men struggle to get mine on the center stand, and I have NO chance...

I'd guess pressurizing your rear shocks would help, and you really do
need the 2 lever set up, way it was made, best to Ya!!!!
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Re: Center Stand question

Post by VoyKimmer »

You can ride the rear tire up on a 2x4 and that makes it real easy if your rear shocks are sagged or your rear tire is low on air.
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Re: Center Stand question

Post by Van Voyager »

The two stage mechanism makes it really easy to get the bike on the centre stand even when fully loaded - much easier than some lighter bikes with a single stage stand. I don't think it would possible to get the bike on the centre stand without the first stage.

To complicate things..... For me, the process is:
  • get the bike vertical
  • extend the first stage till it touches the ground
  • rock the bike backwards a bit which will lift the bike an almost imperceptible amount as the fist stage 'rocks' down
  • use the second stage to get the bike off the ground.
If the first stage doesn't get fully 'deployed' (for lack of a better word) properly, engaging the second stage can cause the first stage to 'kick out' which is a little bit frightening with such a heavy bike if it catches you off guard while basically holding the bike up while standing on one foot.
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Re: Center Stand question

Post by Me Again »

If the first stage rod is missing it is not that difficult to just reach under and pull the first stage down.
Hold it down with your foot while squaring the bike up.Put you foot on the second stage and lift a little while pushing down on the second stage with your foot.
It doesn't take a lot of muscle just a little practice
A 1300 is around 200 lbs more than a XII and mine will pop right up
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