Possible error in Voyager manual

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Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by JimK »

I may be all wet here but to me it looks as if there is an error in the Voyager XII manual in the suspension section. I was installing new fork seals and progressive springs. Upon reassembly of the fork tubes I was following the manual schematic. You have your fork leg, an inner tube and a dampening tube. The dampening tube inserts into the inner tube and the inner tube goes into the fork leg. The schematic shows a large spring, washer, bottom bushing and small spring being placed on the dampening tube and then inserting the dampening tube into the inner tube. I believe this to be wrong. I think the large spring and washer should be placed onto the dampening tube. Then the tube inserted into the inner tube with the bushing and small spring placed on the bottom of the dampening tube but on the outside of the inner tube not the inside as shown in the schematic. Am I correct with this assumption?
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by triton28 »

Yes, the parts you mention: cylinder base, valve and spring as shown in the photo on page 12-7 of the Suspension section of the motorcycle service manual do in fact go onto the compression cylinder AFTER it protrudes from the bottom of the inner pipe, (fork tube) and before the inner pipe fits into the outer pipe, ( fork slider).
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by JimK »

Thanks, that’s what I thought. The schematic had me confused because it shows it differently.
I have to give a thanks to ghostler for his homemade seal installation tool. It works perfectly, probably better than the actual commercial tool.
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by euroexperts »

Can someone direct me with the order that the cylinder base valve (bushing,spring,washer)fit on the tube for the front shocks.
Thank You.
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by triton28 »

Go to revzilla/denniskirk/partzilla or any of the other online part suppliers and open the "Front Fork" illustration for a 1986 to 1995 Voyager XII and look at part # 44023/A. Note that the 1996 and later illustrations do not show a clear well defined picture of the lower 3 parts.
The top 3 parts, compression cylinder/washer and spring go inside the fork inner pipe, ( fork tube as I call it ), and the lower 3 parts mount to the long compression cylinder mentioned above AFTER it pokes through the bottom of the fork tube.
Then the inner tube assembly can be inserted into the aluminium outer pipe/slider and bolted back in place using the allen/hex headed cap screw and washer on the bottom of the fork assembly. DO NOT forget thread locker on the threads of and proper torque of this cap screw. This cap screw is ALL that keeps the forks together
Reassembly needs to be done with the fork tubes upside down to prevent the lower 3 parts mentioned above from falling off during the reinsertion of the inner pipe, (fork tube as I call it), assembly. Use a broom handle/socket extensions/special tool in the fork tube to keep the 6 parts from falling out until the cap screw engages the threads of the compression cylinder.
Holding the cylinder assembly in place during torque tightening of the cap screw is tricky unless one has access to an air impact tool but it can be done. Taper the broom handle a bit beforehand to provide some resistance in the top of the compression cylinder while one is applying floor pressure to the handle. Remember-- upside down!
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by GrandpaDenny »

Also, remember the service manual was written for the 1986 models, which have different front forks than the '87s and up. There is a service manual supplement (actually two) to cover later bikes.
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Re: Possible error in Voyager manual

Post by triton28 »

With all due respect and in the interest of clarity, the front fork assembly is the same for all year models of the ZG1200 with the following exception: In 1986 when the first model came out the front fork inner tube had a thinner dimension wall thickness than did the 1987 and later model years. This thinner wall used certain larger diameter items/equipment inside the fork tube. Note I say "Inside" because all items/equipment mounted to/on/around the outer perimeter/diameter of the tube have not undergone notable changes since the ZG1200 was introduced.
To illustrate this one only needs to go to the aforementioned "Front Fork" illustration I mentioned in my previous post and note the following 4 parts are the only ones changed from the 1986 forks and this change occurred with the introduction of the 1987 production run and it's thicker walled fork tubes;
14043-1064 the brass filter assembly, was superseded by 14043-1066;
44026-1338 the fork spring was superseded by 44026-1367 and for the 1990 model year on 44026-1367 was superseded by 44026-1375;
44023-1054 the compression cylinder, was superseded by 44023-1059 and also for the 1990 model year on it was superseded by 44023-1060; and lastly,
44013-1253 the fork inner tube itself, was superseded by 44013-1263.

Additionally, if one goes to the Motorcycle Service Manual Supplement- Section 12- Suspension, one will note that except for a table outlining the fluid characteristics/volumes/level of the front fork oil the section is empty of any other information and/or illustrations. It refers the reader to the original Service Manual of 1986.
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