Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

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Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

'Drop a '00 Voyager just right and you'll crack the highest corners on the Side Fairings because that's what hits the ground no matter your CaseGuards!!! DANG!!!
Do any of you have work-arounds for those cracked corners??? Maybe there's a piece of plastic that can be 'formed' to go over those cracked corners. Or another Voyager Part that fits there just right (w some mods to be sure)? I'll come up with something but wondered if you Wizards had some insight to save me time/money...

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Re: Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by Nails »

Glue it back together with ABS cement, available at the hardware store.
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Re: Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

So I ordered up & received some ABS Cement...
and I been getting creative to figure out 'trim' for that area busted up to cover/detract from any cement-work done. I want it to look clean & tight... no Mickey Mouse, "HEY WHATCHA TRYIN' TO COVER UNDER ALL THAT???".

1. Cement inside back together including re-enforcement panel on inside,
2. 2" wide black tape (not duct... better finish tape than that) over exterior where some of the body paint has come off the cracked plastic corner high-piece (read: 1st to hit the ground dammit!). Tape will be a clean finish, can be cut to shape (straight lines) and though Cement-Plastic-Repair will impress through the tape, I'll be adding something like what you see in the Bike Pic... trim from elsewhere (though body color) and it might have to be heated to be a proper fit/finish. There's a small chance the Tape looks REALLY good but I don't have huge hopes on that...
3. Body color trim piece added to finish the Repair Area without calling attention to it. I want it to look REALLY good too! So far I've looked on eB (TONSA Dismantlers on there now) and have a few pieces in mind that I might be able to use/modify/shape with a heat gun after cutting to size to finish off the area repair. Looking to utilize other (body-colored) Trim pieces at Side Fairing as well as bottom strip on Gas Tank facade.

Yeh, yeh, I should take off fairing, plastic weld and repaint to match body but I don't have that money/time. This will get me by even though I'm pretty picky about my Bike, including aesthetics (once bought new plastics for a DirtBike it's so bad my Vanity).

Thanks for any other input/suggestions... I'm not completely sold on my Plan (above) yet...
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Re: Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by SgtSlag »

Your plan is sound, if you take the fairing off, and fill in the cracks from the inside -- only way to do it right.

The ABS Glue is always black. Some matching touch-up paint will mask it from 10 feet away. Unless people are looking for it, they likely won't notice it.

I repaired a Trunk, two Vetter fairings, and my XII's Tupperware, all using ABS Glue. Great stuff! Craig Vetter suggested, and sold, an expensive Hotcha Repair Kit. ABS Glue was a fraction of the cost, and my repairs are going strong, 10+ years, on the XII (other two bikes were sold in 2011 and 2012 -- see signature). Cheers!

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Re: Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by VoyagerCraiger »

Not too terribly exciting a project especially since I'll be 'winging it' when I finally mix up some touch up paint (for veeeeeeery small areas only!!!) but I'll post follow up Pics of the work. I hope to surprise myself for like $20, maybe a bit more if I buy 'something' to become 'trim' up there at the damaged fairing area. 'Preciate the support folks!
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Re: Got any work-arounds for Damaged Voyager Side Fairing cracks...

Post by Timbox »

Do you have any close up pics of the damage. That would help with assessment of how much fixing it needs. Thanks
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