trailer wiring

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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Charlie from Illinois
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trailer wiring

Post by Charlie from Illinois »

I am changing the rear tire and while I have things off I am going to wire in for the trailer. What is the best way to tap into the wiring under the trunk? I have cut away the insulation before on stuff and then soldered on an extra wire. I didn't know if this was the best way for wiring in the trailer plug or not? :hmm:
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Re: trailer wiring

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

You got it! Solder, then tape or heat shrink the connection. I put in a connector so that I could disconnect the wiring if needed.
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Re: trailer wiring

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

If using shrink tubing, remember to put a piece on the wire :gig: before you twist them together!
I suggest fanning out the wires and intertwining them rather than just a simple twist. They can corrode and give intermittent connection if not cleaned properly. :dm: I have more than once split a connection to strip it back and redo it because someone else just casually gave a half hearted twist and wrapped with tape. Moisture and corrosion will drive you crazy :tho: , so give it one more minute of time when doing it so you don't need to invest hours troubleshoting a year down the road!
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Re: trailer wiring

Post by MTN99 »


Did the same as Chris, soldered & used another connection so if I needed to disconnect the wiring to remove the rear fender for whatever reason I could.

Used a Hoppy 5-4 kit. it came with a long length of 4color wiring & plug. Got mine at our local NAPA dealer, P/N 48845.
VERY important..... Make sure you secure the wiring out of the way of any moving objects... (Like a tire) :oops: Tape or zip-tye it so it stays put.
Itza little embarassing after you spend 1/2 hour or so cleaning connections, checking bulbs, fuses and ??? just to find out the wiring got just a little too close to the tire.

Not that anything like that ever happened to me........ :bat:
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