AVA Members- Age (Poll Expired)

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Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider


What is your age?

Poll ended at Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:14 am

Less than 20 yrs. old
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No votes
76-80 (Hang in there!)
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81-85 (Keep on biking!)
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86-90 (Good for you!)
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91-100 (God Bless you!)
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Total votes: 56

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AVA Members- Age (Poll Expired)

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

Here is the simple little poll for the hek of it for AVA Members only. This poll will last 10 days, and you can change your vote if you click the wrong one the first time. This poll will be moved to the "Poll Forum" after it is closed.
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Bruce in OK »

So far, it looks like we need to do some recruiting of younger folks. If not, this demographic won't be much better than my local Moose Lodge. (They have 48 out of 99 parking spaces with handicap placards and a LPN "on call".) :-O

Of course, most of us are "spry for our age". :thmup:
Bruce in OK
'01 VXII; '99 Honda CB 250 Nighthawk
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Charlie from Illinois
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Charlie from Illinois »

I may be wrong but I think most people that are touring are a little bit older. I know when I was young and spry. I could handle riding on just about anything. Not anymore! Comfort is the main thing. Pulling wheelies and burning out just doesn't have the allure it used to. HEY! That reminds me. Most guys aren't getting bald. You get wiser with age and your hair just can't cover the expanded brain you now have! :clap:
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Bill O »

Charlie from Illinois wrote: Most guys aren't getting bald. You get wiser with age and your hair just can't cover the expanded brain you now have! :clap:

I thought that if you are losing your hair in the back of your head, "You are a Thinker". If you are losing your hair in the front of your head, "You are a Lover". But, if it meets in the middle, "You Think you are a Lover!".

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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Dion »

Most of the younger crowd isnt riding Voyagers or Goldwings they are riding cruisers or crotch rockets. So due to there age and style of bike they are riding they dont want to hook up with us old farts. It wouldnt look good for them to be seen with us so it would be hard to get them to spend any money to join the AVA.
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »

As of this post, just a few hours left to "vote", get yours in now! :pray:
Some Guy in PA. with Rhinestones (and lots of LED lights) on his 1988 Custom Voyager XII.
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by biggersm »

Dion wrote:Most of the younger crowd isnt riding Voyagers or Goldwings they are riding cruisers or crotch rockets. So due to there age and style of bike they are riding they dont want to hook up with us old farts. It wouldnt look good for them to be seen with us so it would be hard to get them to spend any money to join the AVA.
The younger folks don't know what they are missing. Let's keep this our own secret!

Actually we have always been very practical in our motorcycle choices (both from a price and functionality point of view). By the way Mike will be 46 this summer which would have put us closer to the top of the bell curve (as well as moving the enitre bell curve to the right).

Maybe when the Vulcan Voyager begin to sell it will change the demographics a little (since some see it as a cruiser; even though the seat position is about the same as an XII).
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Mailman Joe »

Hey old guys, just cause someone rides a touring bike doesn't make him OLD...I still consider myself a young guy (39). What style bike someone rides is just a personal choice; five years ago I wasn't even thinking of riding a bike with a windshield, more or less a full dresser, but it wasn't a style choice, it was a wallet choice. I've ALWAYS liked full dressers, just couldn't afford one (still can't, but I'm making it happen). Sometimes life just takes you down different roads, literally and figuratively. Your only as old as you think you are. :tong:
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Joe, I'm with you on that last statement!
Even as a teen I was infactuated with full dressers but could never even come close to affording one, then last year my loving and darling wife of 20 years said if you want it just get it. BAMM I was on it like a hungry dog is on a piece of meat that fell on the floor!
I get in trouble at times saying this but I will never grow old as long as I have a say in it.
I have to grow up but I don't have to act like it! :gig: :-O :bat: :tong: :hpdc:
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Re: AVA Members- Age

Post by biggersm »

Age is as much a state of mind as it is a chronological number. The young Airmen I work with think that at 45, I'm ancient however I was awarded the youngest rider at the Southeast Regional AVA Rally (and of course I took the plaque to work to show it off).

I've always loved practical and comfortable bikes too. I remember wanting a full dressed CB900 Custom back in 1981 (when I saw an older couple that I knew buy one) but couldn't come up with the money (I thought that high/low ratio transmission gimic was pretty cool). The first thing I did do with the XV920 that I did own and could afford was to buy the windshield and the backrest/luggage rack. Meanwhile all my friends back then were obsessed with bikes like the CB900F, Seca 750, et al.
Mike and Marcia Biggerstaff

Melbourne FL

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything. Charles Kuralt

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