M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

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M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

I'll be picking up a trailer kit this week and a tent as well. Wife is ready to regress back to tenting for me since I can't pull the 32' travel trailer with the Voyager. Only problem is, she has a very small bladder and makes several trips to the bathroom throughout the night.
- Are there any others hit with this same condition?
- How do you handle it as I won't be toting a port-a-potty along?
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Nathan (South Carolina) »

One suggestion is to use a coffee can, large plastic coffee creamer bottle or some other wide mouth container with a lid where she can just urinate while in the tent, unless she has a shy bladder, then empty the container in the morning.
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by sir old dirt »

Most any camping store and even Walmart carries a wide mouth funnel for the purpose. They are inexpensive. My wife often used the item with most any bottle that could be emptied the next morning.
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Eww. The thought of waking up to my wife, um, funnelling "stuff", um, well, ew. I mean, I love my wife, don't get me wrong, and maybe it's because we've only been married for 8 or 9 years and haven't reached that level of being comfortable with each other around situations such as that, but, um, I like doors on my bathroom, thank you very much, LOL.

For kicks, tomorrow, I think I'll tell here we're buying a camper and a funnel, and see what she says.

On second thought, maybe not. We'd need a ducking-the-funnel smiley.
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Well Chris, we've been married over 20 years now and like you I prefer doors as well. The more I think of it, it may be in my interest to get a port-a-potty and just accept the fact that it's just like the old days when we tented and/or had a pop-up. Neither of them had facilities for such activities and we did end up with a potty rather quickly.
Then we started moving up in the camping world and ended up after several units with one that is better equiped than our home. There's something wrong with that you know!

Don't worry, you will get over the "EW" factor as time goes on! It's amazing what two people end up doing for one another as they age, just take a look at some elders that you may know or knew!
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote:Well Chris, we've been married over 20 years now and like you I prefer doors as well. The more I think of it, it may be in my interest to get a port-a-potty and just accept the fact that it's just like the old days when we tented and/or had a pop-up. Neither of them had facilities for such activities and we did end up with a potty rather quickly.
Then we started moving up in the camping world and ended up after several units with one that is better equiped than our home. There's something wrong with that you know!

Don't worry, you will get over the "EW" factor as time goes on! It's amazing what two people end up doing for one another as they age, just take a look at some elders that you may know or knew!
There are instant setup tents just for the purpose of changing rooms / shower rooms / potty rooms. You could get one of those small cassette toilets, or do the bucket with toilet seat and some deoderizer.

That, or set up your tent near the bathhouse / facilities.
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

Historically speaking, all the tent camping that I have done was all in PA but I have also camped with varoius hard side trailers (ultra lite, 5th wheel, bunk-house tt) and nearly all campgrounds I've been too the tenting areas seem to be in close proximity to the bath/shower house areas. With that said, it's almost a given that we'll be close to the facilities. I know that doesn't always hold true but in most cases it has that I have seen (so far).

Thanks for the input everyone!
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Pure Pork »

We have a folding potty to take with us when we tent camp. It is made of heavy cardboard and when not it use, folds flat for transport. It incorporates a litter bag, some kitty litter and is just right for packing away in the pod trailer. Check out this page:
http://www.biorelief.com/camping-toilet ... toilet.htm

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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by The Masked Rider »

Scott, you also might want to try one of these.

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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Pure Pork »

One thing to keep in mind, is that when you think you just have to "Pee", it might be that a nearby orfice also would like to have relief, too! I have noticed this as I have gotten older, that sometimes relaxing is not relegated to just the intended area and they all want to get into the act!!!
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by bikerking.biz »

Ummm.....aaaaaaaaaaaa....OMG :oh: This is something of a um....different topic. :-O :gig:
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Bill O »

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

I'd be willing to bet the when Pure Pork has to sneeze or cough he crosses his fingers and hopes that everything else stays put for the time being. :!!


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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Rhinestone Kawboy »


O M G !! :gig:
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Re: M/C Tent-camping with a tiny bladder?

Post by Pure Pork »

Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote:I'd be willing to bet the when Pure Pork has to sneeze or cough he crosses his fingers and hopes that everything else stays put for the time being. :!!



When you feel a cough or sneeze coming, you can tense up the other areas, but when you relax the netherworld, stuff happens.
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