Measure twice cut once, its a good thought and works well. only two more brackets to cut and bend up. Then It might be off to the platers for cad-plate, and maybe just clear coat after that. Finally got this photo upload thing figured out, he are some more pics Gene Kap.
Thanks Charlie, Im hoping with this design that I will still be able to carry the same weight in the saddle bags also. My goal is a trip out to see the giant sequois trees, on the west coast. then down to the Mexican border and loop back home to New Jersey. Couldn't afford to do that and stay in motels the whole trip. Next project is to redo the cargo trailer into a one man popup camper. Might as well do it before I have the trailer painted to match the bike. This summer wont be the big trip as I plan to attend the AVA rally in NY and meet ya'll in this forum. It would be nice to put some face's to the names. Gene Kap
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)