Thanks for all your input

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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Thanks for all your input

Post by ekap1200 »

Well; the weather finally was a joy to ride in today, Loaded up the trailer with everything I would normally take on a trip and put the hammer down. Destination , anywhere USA. Following all you experienced towing guys, I had a great day and only once , noticed the trailer back there. Made alot of stops along the way to check things and make sure the load didn't shift on me. But got some decent miles on me with the trailer. Had the hammer down all the way and managed to achieve 44 mpg. Had recomeded air presure in trailer tires and she didn't bounce at all. Much better way to travel without loading the bikes bags with 100 lbs of cargo all jammed in. Looks like I may keep the trailer, now for the paint job. Gene Kap

"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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Re: Thanks for all your input

Post by Bill O »

Gene, She looks good as she sits, but a matching paint job would really make it "Sweet"!

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Re: Thanks for all your input

Post by ekap1200 »

Yes indeeed. Working on a few paint scheme's now. Going to do a two tone , with the silver inline with my side bags on the sides of the trailer, and maybe some silver on the lid. The cost of the paint is the killer, if purchaced from the sources listed on the forums for matching paint. Gene Kap. PS.-How is your Motovarian trailer coming along? I would love a pic to add to my portfolio of manufacured items.
Bill O wrote:Gene, She looks good as she sits, but a matching paint job would really make it "Sweet"!

"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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