Time Out and other Campers

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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Time Out and other Campers

Post by Okie34 »

Ok guys, I am seriously in the market for a Camper trailer. However, I do have some questions.

Has anyone ever had trouble with the trailer bouncing after going over a rough road or bug bump?

To brake or not to brake? That is the question... Pros and Cons on electric or other trailer brakes.

I've been looking at the big 4 (Aspen, Leesure, Time Out & Bunk House) and really am leaning to the Time out. I need things to watch for, tips, tricks, advice. you know? The regulsr stuff.

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Re: Time Out and other Campers

Post by David in NW Penna »

We have a Bunkhouse. Really like the room when set-up, and ease of setting up. My only complaint is it's heavy. Ours is usually packed full with extra gear. You have to experiment with loading it. We found packing the heavier items more over or behind the axle works the best with minimal bounce. We also kind of go easy on the amount of ice in the cooler.
David & Linda in NW Penna.
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Re: Time Out and other Campers

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

David in NW Penna wrote:...... You have to experiment with loading it. ....... We also kind of go easy on the amount of ice in the cooler.
:cold: Cooler Tip: Chill or Freeze what you can safely at least a day ahead of time. Frozen items will help to server as a replacement for ice and once used can be replaced with ice.
Also if at all possible, load the cooler with(extra or unneeded) ice or freezer packs at least 8 hours ahead of time. When ready to pack the cooler remove the ice/packs and load. This "pre-chill" will help to reduce the sudden loss of cold when loading it if it isn't pre-chilled (a warm cooler sucks allot of cold out of the contents placed in it).
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Re: Time Out and other Campers

Post by HMB Don »

Trisha and I have a Time Out. We got ours on our way to the Durango, Co AVA Rally in 2005. Since I have towed it behind my 2002 Voyager to all the AVA Rallys since. This year we traveled back to Ellicottville NY, Total mileage was 8150 miles. The Time Out weighs 450 lbs loaded, I have a 12v cooler. I modified the Cooler Package to hold a much larger cooler. The first year I used a stock hitch on the Time Out, it was replaced with a swivel hitch. Now I don't feel the Time Out on any surface, smooth or rough. No brakes on the Time Out, but I have steel braided brake lines (from NorCal Voyagers Club), Superbrace, EBC Rotors, EBC F-85-HH brake pads. The brake pads were the best of all the changes made to my Voyager. I don't care what others say about the wear on the Rotors. These brake pads WORK; three finger braking with the Time Out behind the Voyager. I don't even have to use the rear brake when coming to a stop, unless the roads are damp.

The Time Out has been a great trailer. Only down side is the time it takes to set up and at the end of a weekend seems to take forever to take down. Room lots of room, during rain days (Bowling Green KY) we were able to eat at the table that came with the Time Out, that was inside the trailer. There is also a dressing area, which Trisha really likes. We have camped in heavy rain, high winds (steady at 30 mph with gusts 50 mph). I have a gas Mr Heater or Electric heater, when it gets cold. Always keep your wife or partner WARM.

Upkeep, I pack the wheel bearing every year before the AVA Rally. I bought tires last year before Santa Fe. After this year I'll need new tires for next year. I run 50 lbs in the tires to help with gas mileage. Changed to LED tail lights last year. Got the lights from Time Out, this way it looks stock.

Don Medina
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Re: Time Out and other Campers

Post by MTN99 »

Scott-(Altoona, PA) wrote:
David in NW Penna wrote:...... You have to experiment with loading it. ....... We also kind of go easy on the amount of ice in the cooler.
:cold: Cooler Tip: Chill or Freeze what you can safely at least a day ahead of time. Frozen items will help to server as a replacement for ice and once used can be replaced with ice.
Also if at all possible, load the cooler with(extra or unneeded) ice or freezer packs at least 8 hours ahead of time. When ready to pack the cooler remove the ice/packs and load. This "pre-chill" will help to reduce the sudden loss of cold when loading it if it isn't pre-chilled (a warm cooler sucks allot of cold out of the contents placed in it).

Another tip..... I also precool the cooler before use, but what I do as well is freeze our water bottles.. I use the 16oz bottles on the bottom of the cooler, place other items on top and then place more frozen bottles on top to finnish it off... this way you have cold H2o to drink, cold food & hardly any water to drain that may (will) get things soggy....

worked great for the Santa Fe Rally, :hot: at day 4 I still had frozen bottles in the cooler :thmup:


Oh ya... And for Chris in KC ... This'll work for some of that bootlegged red soda water that you've been known to run .... :thewave:
You may need to try this for the Ride to Ripley... :gig:
(anyone for a Barqs Red Creem slushy?)
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