Wiring bike for trailer...

Use a trailer for M/C camping, storage, or hauling your bike? Need some wiring advice, brand or model advice? Here's where you want to be.

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Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by Voyager_PWS »

Hi All,

I am new here so bear with me if this question has been asked already.

I have a 2009 Voyager and I need to get it wired for a trailer. The trailer I am getting has the 4 Flat plug with LED lights on it. What's the best way to tie the wires for the trailer into the bikes system?

Your input is appreciated!!

Patrick "Hotwheels" Sharon
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Re: Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by Turbo4x4 »


If you check out my old post at:

http://www.amervoyassoc.org/forum/viewt ... ing#p26805

you'll have all the answers you need.

Good luck.
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Re: Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by Voyager_PWS »

Thanks man but I am not authorized to see that thread. Think it is for full paying members only. Since I haven't joined fully yet, I can't see it.

Darn it!!!
Patrick "Hotwheels" Sharon
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Re: Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by Okie34 »

Well, since that thread is locked down (I didn't look at it), about the easiest way is going to be to tap into your wiring under the passenger seat or further downstream and make your terminal run down the subframe that holds the reaer fender in place.

Since I use a 5 wire flat it was pretty easy for me. There are wiring diagrams o0nline for trailer wiring on 4 wire to 5 wire (you will have tom combine the marker and brake somewhere I think). LED should not be a problem as most LED trailer lights have regulators built in.

I would also invite you to become a member! The AVA is a whole lot more than just a web forum. I live way out in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma and I find the small yearly fee is well worth it in that I have had the opportunity to meet folks of like mind that I would not have had otherwise. The wealth of information is really years worth of experience. The Rally's are truly Family Affairs with a family that extends across the US, Canada and over both oceans!

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Re: Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by M61A1MECH »

I am new here and I see this is a fairly old topic, but I have need of some information to help me design a "T" harness for the Voyagers.

I curently make and supply "T" harnesses for Yamaha products, I have made some for Nomads, but not for the Voyager yet. The harneses are made so you can unplug the conector that mates the main harness to the fender harness, plug in the "T" harness that has "tag" wires soldered on so you can conect to the tail lights, brake lights and turn signals with out having to cut into or t-tap into the bikes harness.

I know the wiring scheme for the Voyager, but I do not know which connector is used or what the pin out is for the conector.

If some one could post photos of the connectors unplugged and provide the pin out , I could start offering them for sale like I do for the Yamah products.

A typical 8 inch long harness with 8 inch long tag wires goes for between $13.00 and $16.00 delivered to the lower 48 states.

Thanks for any help
Steve Kowalcky
Edgewater, FL
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Re: Wiring bike for trailer...

Post by ghostler »

Voyager_PWS wrote:Hi All, I am new here so bear with me if this question has been asked already. I have a 2009 Voyager and I need to get it wired for a trailer. The trailer I am getting has the 4 Flat plug with LED lights on it. What's the best way to tie the wires for the trailer into the bikes system? Your input is appreciated!! Thanks!
You'll need a 5 wire to 4 wire adapter preferably with independent power from battery. I bought one of these:


You tap into the stop, turn and marker light circuits of the motorcycle, run the heavier duty wire to an in-line fuse to the battery (+). This way, it doesn't drain power from the bikes lighting circuit, only uses them to sense on/off status, doesn't affect the bike's turn signal relay.

I'm now in the processing of wiring it to the bike, to mate with my new Harbor Freight 90153 trailer with Sears X-Cargo streamlined box mounted to it.

Additional comment 8/11/2014, 9:37pm MDT: The battery lead from the Calterm 5 to 4 wire module needs to be switched through a relay. I measured the current draw on it, with all lighting off it draws 110 mA (0.11 Amps). That is 2.64 Amp-Hours per day. Your XII battery is anything from an 18 to 24 Amp-Hours. The battery lead needs to be switched on and off by a relay, otherwise your battery will be discharged in short order. I used one of the marker light circuit wires to energize the relay coil. I used a 20 Amp fuse in line with the battery lead for circuit protection.
George Hostler
Clovis, NM, US

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