Another Dumb Question

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Another Dumb Question

Post by EVAHank »

Hi, All;
I've had my 'grey lady' for about 3 weeks, started with 2650 miles, it now has 2950 miles on it. I'm wondering about the breakin on the bike. What is the breakin mileage, and what are the instructions? Also, I hear a definite metal-on-metal 'swishing' noise when at idle hot or cold (sounds like someone sharpening a knife). I'm thinking 'rings', but then as a neophyte V-twin owner, I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated! :hmm:

Ride Safe & Sane;
Hank & 'The Grey Ladies' :thmup:
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Kevin B in Illinois
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Re: Another Dumb Question

Post by Kevin B in Illinois »

Hmmmm maybe your radio is turned to a station that has a high frequency static sound and your volume is just at the right level to create this sound echoing throughout your bike...LOL ... 2600 miles is still relatively low. The answer that most people will tell you is it's hard to say without hearing it. I would take it to a dealer that has sold some Vaquero's and Voyager 1700 or hopefully see another owner and have them take a listen or listen to another bike to see if it similar in sound. These engines are pretty tight and really quiet in terms of most Vtwin engines noise level. If it were a HD , I would say that you are probably hearing your Primary chain rubbing on the nylon adjustment mechanism which would create a sound. Hopefully it is just the sound of your bike breaking in and getting ready for some big trips this year.

Kevin Braddy
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