Electrical Problem.

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Electrical Problem.

Post by KennyK »

My 86 has what seems to bee a common problem the 10 pin connector just behind the fuse box dose not keep contact and bike will shut down. I have pulled it apart and cleaned everything. but the ears on the side will not engage to keep it locked together. What is the common fix? I have tried to locate a 10 pin connecter but have had no luck. I was considering on using a 6 pin a 4 pin weatherpack connectors. Any one have any suggestions?
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Re: Electrical Problem.

Post by cushman eagle »

We do part time farm equipment repair and often use the John Deere website to find parts like that, and it looks like part numbers R70219 and R70218 along with their related terminals should work for you.If you have a John Deere dealer near you,have them bring up the picture,or do it on line, and if they are to your liking order them and the terminals for your wire size. :wnk2:
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Re: Electrical Problem.

Post by Turbo4x4 »

KennyK wrote:My 86 has what seems to bee a common problem the 10 pin connector just behind the fuse box dose not keep contact and bike will shut down. I have pulled it apart and cleaned everything. but the ears on the side will not engage to keep it locked together. What is the common fix? I have tried to locate a 10 pin connecter but have had no luck. I was considering on using a 6 pin a 4 pin weatherpack connectors. Any one have any suggestions?
Do yourself a BIG favor and ensure when you make your connections that you solder them & insulate with heat shrink tubing. You will never regret it.
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Re: Electrical Problem.

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

Either wire in a new connector or connectors of your choosing, or just splice the wires together and forget about the connector.
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Re: Electrical Problem.

Post by chevyman1 »

If when it's together the pins make contact just use a wire tie around the plug to hold it together.
Also put contact grease on the pins.
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Re: Electrical Problem.

Post by ekap1200 »

chevyman1 wrote:If when it's together the pins make contact just use a wire tie around the plug to hold it together.
Also put contact grease on the pins.

Or , if the female terminal is the problem, use a suitable tool ie. (paper clip) to remove the terminal from the conector and close it up some with a pair of pliers. If its a good connection and its just the lock tabs are fouled up chevyman had the fix, just use a plastic tie to keep it securely together. I just had a similar problem with the connector to the trunk. I had noticed the trunk lamp out so wiggling the plug would power it up again, So checking with the key on- tail lamp on, the same thing occured indicating a bad ground connection. pulled the plug and removed the female spade, with a paper clip, closed it in and bingo; good as new.
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