When should the International AVA rally be held?

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What is the best month to have the National AVA rally?

Poll ended at Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:41 am

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When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Tom(North Alabama) »

Let's be realistic, the middle of July is not a good time to be traveling on a bike, especially out west.
Why not have the big rally earlier or later when it is much better weather?
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Scott-(Altoona, PA) »

For my wife and I scheduling is everything and we're limited to second half of June thru August. With that in mind later in July to the end of August are the hottest so June would seem to be cooler weather but I also think that is dependent on where your destination is.
It's all relative to interpretation and personal choice/opinion.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by kjsett »

No month will be perfect for everyone. Our ministry requires us to be in Colorado the calendar week around the 4th of July.
August is usually the hottest month in the the southern states, September many of us have school (children) obligations (well, maybe some who are of the younger set), June can be wet, but most states are warm enough by then for traveling comfortably (but not too warm). Course a bad hurricane season can mess it up for any of those from the Southeast (rode out Ivan and Katrina while living in Florida).
For my wife and I, 3rd week in June would be best. Just wondering, I thought the rallies were every other year in a more westerly location (oh yah, Ohio I guess is in the area listed as "Northwest"). Since I've only been a member during two, I don't have enough history to know if this is the usual, or a hope of drawing more people.
Just my opinion,

PS. I was able to attend Kanab, UT because of proximity, but Logan was too far with leaving Saturday for my wife (her Vulcan 800 limits her distance comfort level). But the biggest reason this year was the passing of my father the Saturday before (couldn't plan any non-required trip as he was coming near the end). Just saying life happens, so there will be those who can't attend any one rally no matter how much they would like to. I am afraid that multiple trips to Washington state (for family) and the fact our business (a Bible school) location still isn't finalized (we are supposed to open doors by September 9th) is making is impossible for me to travel to Reno also (I am still hoping, but not optimistic).
South Carolina will be a stretch again for me because of distance from Colorado with limited travel time, but here's hoping I can make it work next year. :pray:
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by forplay »

This poll is very interesting. I have heared so many people complain about the week the rally is held. The board does the best they can. My thought would be in mid June. It's usually cooler, the kids are out of school, (I look at the average age of members and don't think that is an issue anyhow) and it seems many people that still are working have a very hard time getting off the second week in July. Some people travel for the 4TH to visit family and get that extra day off so companies are running lean and try to keep vacations in July to a limit. It seems everyone wants those 1st two weeks in July off. Actually I think the beginning of October would be great up north because of the change in seasons but then there are other worries. (Early Snow :dm: )
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by debron »

Keep in mind that most AVA members (believe it or not) don't visit the forum (or at least not often!) so the final tally will be somewhat skewed. Still, the results will be interesting. This topic has been discussed a number of times and I believe the board picked the week in July because that would allow MOST members to attend, realizing that no week is perfect!
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by the2knights »

June still works for me, but July is best. I understand the average age of members does not have to worry about kids in school, but if we as an organization want to attract new members (preferably ones who will be around for a long time), you need to think about that. I have kids in school, and was able to attend my 1st Rally this year!! Had a great time, but would hate to think of missing future ones because school was in session!
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Tom(North Alabama) »

I agree with everybody that there is no perfect time for all. But when you consider 95+ degrees as the norm for mid July travel, it does not matter where the rally actually is, east or west, north or south, getting there is a major problem and unless the rally sight is above 9,000ft. enjoying the rally outdoor activities is less than optimum.
Seems like May or September would be better for travel, less people on the road, better weather.
Long trips are alot more enjoyable with smaller crowds at the sightseeing spots, and less traffic.

And yes, as mentioned there are a very small percentage of members that cannot take vacations during school, but if a larger number of AVA'ers show up for a rally isn't that better? And why does it have to be the same time every year?
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

I personally don't know the history of how the date settled on the week after the 4th of July, but I do know that many factories shut down for maintenance those two weeks so, unless you are a maintenance worker, you are on Vacation.

The Vulcan Riders Association has decided to have two rallies next year to allow more members to get together. They are having an east and a west National Rally. Their rally is the same week as the AVA rally.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by davidl »

It's good to see this on the forum. I think it is important for our board to "hear" their membership. I congratulate them. I don't think it is so much important what month the rally is but what days the rally is held. I will go to the rally when my job allows the time off & my other family obligations are met. Wife & I have enjoyed Kanab, Santa Fe & Arkadelphia. Couldn't go to NY. For us, just too far. All hot. All July. I think to interest more Voyager riders, the rally needs to be held over a weekend, at least over Saturday. I think we would get more vendors there. More member, More vendors, More interest, Better for the AVA. We will go to rallies as we can. I wish the Board well. Maybe another poll of holding it over a weekend.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Me Again »

davidl wrote:It's good to see this on the forum. I think it is important for our board to "hear" their membership. I congratulate them. I don't think it is so much important what month the rally is but what days the rally is held. I will go to the rally when my job allows the time off & my other family obligations are met. Wife & I have enjoyed Kanab, Santa Fe & Arkadelphia. Couldn't go to NY. For us, just too far. All hot. All July. I think to interest more Voyager riders, the rally needs to be held over a weekend, at least over Saturday. I think we would get more vendors there. More member, More vendors, More interest, Better for the AVA. We will go to rallies as we can. I wish the Board well. Maybe another poll of holding it over a weekend.
The reason for a weekday rally is simply travel time.
That way people from Washington state can make the trip to the Florida Keys or Or Maine to Baja California.
We try to go east,west,central to allow more people to attend.
If you can't schedule vacation for the international ,maybe you can go to a regional.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by davidl »

Sturgis, Daytona, BMW rally, WingDing over July 4th weekend, AspenCash, Aspencade. All over a weekend. Just saying.... oh, by the way over 10,000 Wings at the wingding this year. Just saying... Sorry, I'm justing letting my frustration get the best of me.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Chris near Kansas City »

A lot of vacation time is easier to schedule with the bosses (work places) if it's Monday through Friday. The AVA rallies were typically Tuesday through Thursday, which allowed 3 days travel to and from. Only recently did they start planning stuff for Mondays.
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Bill O »

Me Again wrote:
davidl wrote:It's good to see this on the forum. I think it is important for our board to "hear" their membership. I congratulate them. I don't think it is so much important what month the rally is but what days the rally is held. I will go to the rally when my job allows the time off & my other family obligations are met. Wife & I have enjoyed Kanab, Santa Fe & Arkadelphia. Couldn't go to NY. For us, just too far. All hot. All July. I think to interest more Voyager riders, the rally needs to be held over a weekend, at least over Saturday. I think we would get more vendors there. More member, More vendors, More interest, Better for the AVA. We will go to rallies as we can. I wish the Board well. Maybe another poll of holding it over a weekend.
The reason for a weekday rally is simply travel time.
That way people from Washington state can make the trip to the Florida Keys or Or Maine to Baja California.
We try to go east,west,central to allow more people to attend.
If you can't schedule vacation for the international ,maybe you can go to a regional.

I totally understand the need for arranging the rally's on specific dates, but, I have been arguing the East, West, Central locations for many years. Seems that for the most part the AVA Board (of which I used to be one) always transcribes East to be east of the Mississippi and Central and West to be somewhere near the eastern shore of the Mississippi. No matter how you slice it, it's still East. The argument has always been...."That's where the membership is!" The reality is, if you are west, you flat don't count!

There have been some great AVA Chapters in the west but were sacrifices for the biggest bang for the buck.

I am sorry if I sound sour, but I had a great attachment to the AVA and the people who were trying to make it great. But when you give the impression that the loyalties lie with the portion of the country where the majority of the population lives, you disenfranchise those out west.

Devising a Western AVA rally is a plus, but why isn't there an AVA eastern regional rally? Answer, because it is usually called the Annual International AVA rally.

Now, I don't want anyone jumping in and stating...."we had rally's out west.." Yes , I know, but when you double up the rally to the east and then have a rally in the central and call it West, you insult the members in the west.

Next subject. If you constantly profess that if you don't go out and but a 1700 Vulcan (Whatever) you are the cause to the demise of the AVA. I vehemently resent that. It was the 1300 and 1200 Voyagers that built this group, supported this group, and kept it going. Kawasaki abandoned us. To continuously blame the diehard owners who wish to keep their 1300 and 1200 as to being the demise of the AVA is shameful. If any 1700 riders really believe that, go join the Vulcan Group and be happy. I will be happy for you.

I am getting to upset to continue. So I will back into the background....
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by davidl »

The was a movie out many years ago with Kevin Cosner & James Earl Jones. One of the best quotes from the movie was "If you build it, they will come". True then. True now. If you make it relevant, interesting, up to date, always striving to be better not necessarily bigger, they wil come. I guess the question is, are we making the AVA Rallies relevant, interesting, up to date & better. Whether it be Lions clubs, Rotary, Little League, AVA, etc., still holds true. 'If you build it, they will come". True then. True now. I am only on here because I want the AVA to succeed. I think there is a wealth of knowledge out there about the 1300 & 1200's. More than I will ever know. Thanks to people like Carl Leo, Kris near KC, Gene, and, and, and....you can ask a question on this forum and help will flow to you. Sometimes so much you have to sort thru it. It would be a shame the AVA close down because a few are unwilling to adapt to benefit more. It would be a shame....
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Lucasind »

.....I hear "Bill O's" words and have the same opinion if I'm reading it right....... Guy's like myself have been with KAW since the first Z-1 in line four... it's what I like... It's what trips my trigger ! I've read on the forum, about many guys wish that maw kaw would have gone with a connie type in-line four instead of the "harley" look alike... "sound alike" machine....... I've also get ,that it has been said that "harley" sells every bike ...every year.......of course the asian companies see that ,and feel that they have to "go after " that market..... The collective knowledge that is on this forum I'm thinking will keep these dependable in-line fours running long enough to pass them on to our kids and grand kids !!...... People bought the Voyager initially for what it was, because it is what they liked, there won't be a V twin in my stable any time soon, but I can't speak about the future. If the right low price deal comes my way I will probably jump on it........but I know I won't make many years of payments on a new one....that my already paid for "old one" is doing perfectly !!......I hope I have'nt offended anyone with this rant, but after all...... this is the place . :-D .......tony
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Rlmcgee »

As a Board Member I am happy seeing the responses - good - bad & the ugly!
I can assure you the Board is listening! Sometimes change is good and sometimes things remain the same!
I agree West is West - East is East - Central is always a little bit of both, is a good way to look at it!
We have tried different times of the year and unfortunately June involves school, and other Big rallies (Americade)! Also, August is by far the hottest month in just about any place you go. As well as school restarting some as early as the 1st week in August and other Big Rallies (Sturgis)! So hummm July, the beginning maybe not too hot yet (yeah right)! But, the date has seemed to work.
The Voyager did bring us all together! We are not a bike specific club and welcome any brand/model to be a part of our family!
The US is vast and I have been fortunate to go places I would have never dreamed of going to; albeit for the AVA!
We will continue to visit cities in this beautiful country! We are listening and always open to suggestions!
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by Dion »

St Ignace, MI. Rally was nice and in Aug. :thmup:
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Re: When should the International AVA rally be held?

Post by doug of so fla »

One of the best ideas for a rally location came in yr 2000 from the W Virginia area, A ski resort in the middle of summer!! Canaan Valley, perfect place, no one there but AVA and the prices were great cause all ski Resorts are closed in the summer!! indoor pool, sauna, hot tub, outdoor pool, huge area, animals, beautiful areas to ride ect ect!! :hmm:

Last bumped by Tom(North Alabama) on Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:41 pm.
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