Picture show
Jim in Indy

Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider
Larry, we'll get you to the rally one of these years. And then, it'll be your turn!voyager55 wrote:Very nice photo's Even the one with Chris near KC in it
sir old dirt wrote:Jim,
Such a nice job with the photo story.
Char and I have a take on the rally as well.
To Our AVA Family
We truly hope everyone made it home from the wonderful 25th AVA International Rally of Asheville, North Carolina. When we arrived on the third day it seemed all tensions we felt prior to the rally had all dissipated. From the moment of recognition everyone had smiles on their faces and hugs in their arms for all friends of years past. Everyone seemed they could hardly wait until their arrival to judge for themselves how things were going to work out. It was mentioned many times that folks simply did not know the feelings of all the attendants. In retrospect it seems all concerns were needless.
Mike and Robin McGee proved they had been working very diligently on the rally preparation, from the rally site location, to the activities planned, to the registrations, to the board members in attendance, to the web master, and all the incidentals that are always not considered by the attendees. Mike and Robin had everything covered. Both of them served as Master of Ceremonies and displayed a relaxed atmosphere throughout. During the rally they had the able assistance of Bob and Doris Falvey who took over the preparation of the rally rides of fantastic scenery and road selection, and Don and Trish Medina who organized and conducted the sales tables of AVA merchandise, with the help of a few volunteers. The registration table was never without assistance as it was under the direction of Judy Barth. Judy even conducted the registration of several late attendees as they arrived unannounced to the rally. She was not to be outdone though Bronson was prepared to entertain at a moments notice. Anytime anyone observed Judy rolling her eyes it was a sure sign that Bronson was on. Ron Riggs set up a couple of excellent photo and video displays and everyone did the “Ooh and Aah” show to accompany the presentation. Jim Loiselle has since displayed a gallery of fine photos that gives the rally a nice display of activities. All our leaders of the new AVA seemed to go out of their way to bring this rally to the level of excellence all of us expect.
Char and I felt the rally was an awesome display of love and care. All the feeling of wanting to be present was never absent. The tire kickin’, polishing, fussing over, teasing, snacking, rain watching, and just down home being friendly was always present. When it came time to eat the big celebration dinner everything tasted so good. Many folks felt the food was the best they had ever tasted at a rally. The service was excellent and the awards following were very well accepted. Many walked away with gifts provided by ROK and Kawasaki and the feeling was that the AVA is a very positive organization under the Kawasaki banner.
All of us missed the presence of former AVA board members, Bob and Jean Decker and Dave and Dot Wirtz. They recently resigned because of health problems. Robin and Mike made a special effort to keep each of them up to date concerning the rally through photos, videos, and phone conversations.
The rally came to a close after the 2015 rally site was announced as Estes Park, Colorado. Everyone really seemed enthused. The tentative date has been selected as sometime in June of 2015. Everyone within hearing of the announcement was very happy with the selection and with the date change.
Was the rally fun? YES! Was the rally well attended? YES! Were any tensions relieved? YES! Did the Board outdo itself? YES! There was some nice healing on a personal as well as a professional level. For those that missed Asheville, we are so sorry you missed a super good time and an excellent rally. Char told me the big hug from Delbert was worth the 1200 miles she added to her bike riding “tush”. That adds to her 275,000 miles to date.
If you have ideas as to where and why in Illinois, contact all of the board members and put in your "bid!" We are starting now for 2016!Dion wrote:2016 should be in Illinois it would be the AVA 27th Anniversary and the Illinois Prairie Voyagers 30th Anniversary the original Voyagers