Indiana Voyagers Xmas-After Xmas Lunch and Meeting

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Jim Loiselle
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Indiana Voyagers Xmas-After Xmas Lunch and Meeting

Post by Jim Loiselle »" onclick=";return false;

We had a good turnout even with the weather! :cold: Everyone is welcome to join us for our spring ride in Evansville, Indiana in May.

In Indy :thmup:
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Re: Indiana Voyagers Xmas-After Xmas Lunch and Meeting

Post by ekap1200 »

Another great photo show Jim, good turnout , nice place . Who ended up riding the furthest to meeting up with everyone ? Cause it's sure cold here in NJ. Haven't rode for three weeks :cold: .
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the Rockies this June. Marie will be flying into Denver. Her new job has given her off a few days to roam around the country.
Gene Kap.
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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Re: Indiana Voyagers Xmas-After Xmas Lunch and Meeting

Post by the2knights »

Jim, great pics as usual, much better than the ones I took on my phone.

Gene, nobody rode in. We had a high of 25 that day. I would have gone on the bike, but Tina has more sense than I do, so we rode in the cage. Coldest ride for me was just the other night at 3 degrees. Look forward to seeing you. What route are you taking to get out there?
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Re: Indiana Voyagers Xmas-After Xmas Lunch and Meeting

Post by ekap1200 »

the2knights wrote:Jim, great pics as usual, much better than the ones I took on my phone.

Gene, nobody rode in. We had a high of 25 that day. I would have gone on the bike, but Tina has more sense than I do, so we rode in the cage. Coldest ride for me was just the other night at 3 degrees. Look forward to seeing you. What route are you taking to get out there?
Not sure on the route yet, I may have scheduling issues with days off. I may leave on the night of the 19th in a transport for 8 hours then have the bike off-loaded where ever that may be . Otherwise I will have to make the trip in just 2 days time. Company may give me off that Friday but haven't made that decision yet. Or I may just leave at the crack of dark on Saturday and come in sometime in the afternoon on Monday. Things are still up in the air. I will know more by the end of the month. Gene Kap.
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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