Inquiring minds want to know.

Moderators: the2knights, Highway Rider
Agreed, I am grateful to have a Goldwing class motorcycle within my budget that has large storage capacity, tow hitch for towing a trailer and with progressive spring fronts and after market air shock backs has a reasonably smooth ride over rough rural roads.Relics wrote:I have 56,456 miles on my 1988 Voyager. I've had it 5 years. I had a 1986 Honda Goldwing before the Voyager. I personally think the Voyager is superior to the Goldwing . First of all you sit down into the bike on the Voyager; and you sit higher on the Goldwing. Secondly; the Voyager gets much better gas mileage than the Goldwing. Thirdly; I don't like the way the handlebars are set up on the Goldwing and they are adjustable on the Voyager. I also like all of the storage on the Voyager. I also like the way the Voyager handles. I think a lot of people get caught up in the "hype" of the Goldwing. Others don't know that Kawasaki made a touring bike. (So did Suzuki--Cavalcade). Kawasaki basically kept the same bike, the same design and everything except the color from 1986 to 2003. That says something in itself.