
Got a tech tip for Vulcan Voyager 1700's from your personal experiences, or one complete with pictures and instructions, here's where to post it. You can also ask about tips or procedures here.

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Post by Jimvoyager01 »

I bought a 2001 v12 a few months ago,,,guestion,,,does the speed-o-cable go down between the front forks or on the left of the left front fork.. :thanks: :thanks:
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Re: speed-o-cable

Post by ekap1200 »

Jimvoyager01 wrote:I bought a 2001 v12 a few months ago,,,guestion,,,does the speed-o-cable go down between the front forks or on the left of the left front fork.. :thanks: :thanks:
Some may say I am wrong, but since the original cable broke at 8,000 miles with it routed on the outside.
I replaced it and installed it in-between the forks and now have 72,000 miles on it. I do pull the cable out to wipe it down and lube with waterproof Bell-Ray grease every winter season. Gene Kap.
"Its not bad if you don't know something, but when you don't know you don't know; That's when your in trouble". Joe Place 1912-2008 (my grandfather)
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Re: speed-o-cable

Post by David (N. Alabama) »

The Speedo cable on the 1700 Voyager, oh wait, there is no Speedo cable on the 1700 Voyager. Hopefully a Moderator can move this and delete my post.
2010 Voyager 1700
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