Had our first ever road trip planned last weekend - 300 miles from Cincinnati to Dawson Springs, KY. About 150 miles in, the temp gauge goes off the...
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I love hearing about shops that still exist like the Kawasaki shop that got me hooked back in the 80's. Classic bikes and willing to do quality work...
I'm curious as to the fuel mileage everyone gets from there 1300's. The best I've gotten so far is about 33 . Whats the norm.
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As you might notice the fuel mileage varies all over the place, dependent on gear, load, rpm, and speed. If you set your trip computer to Current MPG...
you can see I have a lot of questions but while the bike is up while I attach my trike kit might as well ask some things. Bike is on center stand and...
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Super info my friend thanks... sounds like a nice long week-end job or winter fix-up..great step by step and suggestions worth a bunch!
Has anyone had trouble viewing the sight glass so you can see the oil level? Mine is apparently dirty and looks to be a bugger to remove and...
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Had some neat folks reply back to me at home email (Larry being one) and have sent along some great suggestion. Even referred me to another gent who...
The XII owners do not take as much interest in polls as they should ,so I believe if enough 1300 riders vote in this poll we could make it appear...
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At last count we show 13 1300's vs 30 1200's.
That's about 30% of Voyagers and 22 % of all riders .
This is a very respectable number ,but I think we...
I picked up a 85 Voyager in early Nov 2009 and started going over it and it is in surprisingly good condition. Since I have worked on motorcycles on...
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When I had my 1300 I bought the Colortune kit which seemed to work well,it lets you see what color the flame is in the combustion cylinder.We were...
I have a friend in Germany who is a go to guy for 1300s in Europe. He is looking for a spec sheet for a Voyager 1300. I don't know how different the...
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That's not a mistery plant.It would be the Kawasaki plant in Lincoln ,Nebraska were all the Kawasakis were assembled.
Try this link .Maybe you can...
i was riding the bike today and it died. pulled over to try to restart it since popping the clutch wasnt working and it wouldnt crank when i hit the...
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everything is hooked back up. and im absolutly sure nothing is loose. there is no power right off the ecu for the fuel pump relay.
i want to say thanks to the 2 people who have helped me on 83 voyager. But, another question for everyone. How do I get this beast on its show stand...
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Hey 187 I had the same problem a few weeks ago and these guys helped me out. Now it's a piece if cake. The first time I tried it I could no where...
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