BY RON BRAY: A few weeks ago I reported that a very good friend of mine, Norm McDonald, has been nominated to be inducted into the AMA (American...
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I hope Kenny Johnson, Norm's partner for many years will make it also. Spent many hours in Kenny's Yamaha of Montclair & Norm's Yamaha of Riverside....
has anyone had the trunk lid crack on the 1700 where the screws go through from the backrest.
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I have not read or heard of anyone complaining about that. Should be covered under warranty. BTW, the dealer installs the passenger backrest so if it...
Ok guys I'm looking for additional lighting ideas for my 92 Voyager XII. I'm mainly looking for lights to mount to the light bar I found and bought....
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Some years ago, I came across an article discussing a triangle of lights , for motorcycles, to increase visibility. The idea was that by forming a...
The first picture looks as though some wheel bearing grease might have leaked out, which is bad; if it is excess grease from the speedometer, that is...
Hi all
I haven't seent this mentioned yet and I am about ready to pull the trigger and pre order one..
I have gone thru a few cheap GPS's mainly due...
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True Mike, but sometimes it is good to put in a destination and then ignore the GPS because a road looks interesting. Then let it recalculate the...
Hello all, as you read in the subject line, I'm new. I just picked up my '86 xii and trailer (same color....nice) across the board even trade for my...
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The trailer that came with it is a 1996 Starlight, painted the same color even.
My name is Bill Bright. Just turned 62 and got started thinking about that motorcycle trip that is on my bucket list.
I have been riding...
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A couple months ago I traded my 3rd 2002 XII for a Goldwing after putting 400m miles on XII's & and doing all my own maint . I can say it is the best...
We are in Oregon now visiting the grandkids for awhile. Took the RV and left the bike at home on this trip. I will most likely be retuning solo on...
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Sorry you will be away from the bike for a while. Oregon has some great roads to ride on. Of course Southern California has great roads too. I'd love...
More motersickle electrics - but not mine this time. On this '03 V12, with ~120k miles (formerly Barry Baker's), we checked/changed the 15a headlight...
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check the wire to the ignition I had one broken and my headlight would go off or not go on at all.
For those of you that don't know, I had another little episode with my heart last Monday, went into A-Fib again with a rate of almost 200 bpm, spent...
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Been there, done that--it ain't fun. Glad to hear all is going well now. Had my last attach 5 years ago and meds have got it under control. Hope...
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